The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 8

Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did.
Plz RnR
“Normal speak”
Written by Dragon of the Underworld
Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75
And on to the story.
The Way I Dreamed It
Part 1
Chapter 8
Hinata was in bed, she stirred for a while then she opened her eyes. She noticed that Naruto was not in bed, then she began to smell some smoke, then the screaming began. She got up and walked out right away she noticed Hanabi right away as she was looking around the corner looking at something while she held Yuki in her arms.
“Hanabi . . . . . . What are you looking at?” asked Hinata.
“Naruto . . . . . . I’ve been watching him trying to make breakfast, but he’s burned everything, it’s kind of funny watching him try;” Said Hanabi.
Hinata walked around the corner and towards Naruto.
“Naruto I’ll make breakfast” said Hinata as she walked towards him with Hanabi behind her.
“B-but . . .”
“Naruto it’s ok, just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t do anything, alright” Naruto just nodded at her as he took a seat and waited for her to make breakfast.
As Hinata began to make breakfast there was a knock on the door. Since Naruto was not doing anything he decided to go and answer it.
As Naruto opened the door there in front of him was the one person he didn’t want to see; In front of him stood Jiraiya with the biggest grin.
Jiraiya looked in to the apartment with wide eyes; Naruto noticed and decided to close the door.
“What do you what?” asked Naruto.
“What do you mean what, you know exactly what” said Jiraiya with what Naruto remember to be his perverted face.
“You Dawg, why didn’t you tell me you finally got it on” said Jiraiya.
“Do you actually think I would tell you that” said Naruto.
“Tsunade told me how everything happened, you are one sly dawg, you made her yours on her birthday, I could only imagine what you guys talked about up in the cliff that would make her want you. This will definitely make a great story for my book” said Jiraiya.
Naruto just stood there looking at him annoyed.
“You’ve definitely become like your sensei, you’ve definitely become a chick magnet, so with how many have you done it with and how many at a time?” said Jiraiya.
“WHAT? Hinata is the only one and always will be” said Naruto.
“Riiiiiight, don’t try to lie to me . . . . . . I just saw you had two girls in there . . . . . . Come on give me some dirt” said Jiraiya.
“I don’t”— Naruto didn’t finish as the door opened.
“Naruto, Hinata said that breakfast is ready” said Hanabi.
Jiraiya looked at Hanabi then at Naruto with a huge grin, Hanabi then went inside.
“She’s a pretty one, but she looks a bit young then again you’re young yourself so I guess it’s fine. So you had two of them last night hu” said Jiraiya with a proud face.
“What?” said Naruto.
“I’m so proud of you” said Jiraiya playfully as he patted Naruto on the back.
“That’s Hanabi, she’s Hinata’s sister” said Naruto.
“Who’s Hinata?” asked Naruto.
“My fianc?said Naruto.
“YOUR WHAT!!!!?” screamed Naruto.
“You heard me?”
“Naruto how could you throw your life away like that, you’re still to young, your throwing away countless years of fooling around away, think about all those pretty girls you can be with” said Jiraiya.
‘Looks like I was wrong, he didn’t become like his sensei, if he’d became anything like me he would take full advantage of his good looks’ thought Jiraiya.
“I love Hinata and I want her to be the only one, I thought you said Tsunade told you everything!!!!!!!!!!” said Naruto.
“Yeah, now that I think about it she did seem to keep talking after she told me that you had sex, but a part of me was just so proud of you that my mind didn’t take in anything else she said” said Jiraiya.
‘Oh god I’m ganna guess that he doesn’t know that Hinata is pregnant, if he took the news that I’m getting married bad I wonder how he’ll take this one’ thought Naruto.
“Hinata is pregnant” Naruto said bluntly.
The two just stood there in silent taking in what Naruto said for about twenty seconds.
“So old Jiraiya is going to be a grandpa” said Jiraiya.
Naruto was a bit shocked; he never thought that he would say something like that.
“You’re not mad” said Naruto.
“Of course not, it’s your life what ever makes you happy makes me happy” said Jiraiya.
“Wait did you say grandpa” asked Naruto.
“Yeah, over the years you’ve become like a son to me, I look forward to it” said Jiraiya.
“That’s good . . . . . . I think” said Naruto.
“So now having said that how was she in bed, was she good, was she alright, was she wild or passionate, was she kinky, how tight was she?” said Jiraiya again with that huge perverted grin.
Naruto became stiff and got a blush on his face at what he was asking him, because the moment he finished asking the memories of what happened that night came back to him.
Just by his reaction Jiraiya knew what type she was.
“Ohh she’s a screamer isn’t she” asked Jiraiya.
All Naruto could do was blush.
“She’s wild, and naughty, and a screamer. Just thinking about it makes me want to have one right now, Naruto you are one luck bastard” said Jiraiya.
“ALL RIGHT THAT’S IT!!! I’m going inside, my breakfast is getting cold” said Naruto not wanting to talk with Jiraiya any more.
Naruto went inside and Jiraiya left; it was only till he was far away from his apartment when he remembered something.
The words he said to Naruto kept replaying in his mind, so old Jiraiya is going to be a grandpa.
‘Those are the exact words I said last time to Minato, holy crap speaking of Minato I totally forgot the reason why I went to find Naruto, I was so caught up on the other topic I forgot about this’ thought Jiraiya as he looked down on the scroll in his hand.
Naruto was sitting eating his breakfast with Hinata and Hanabi, when Hanabi said something.
“Who was that old man?” said Hanabi.
“That was my sensei, Jiraiya” said Naruto.
“What did he want?” asked Hinata.
“Oh . . . he wanted to congratulate us on the baby” he said not wanting to tell her the truth.
Hinata immediately blushed, sure her friends and other people knew that she was pregnant but it was how she got pregnant that made her blush, knowing that people knew that she had sex with Naruto is what embarrassed her the most.
“Alright, you guys ready to go” asked Naruto.
“Yeah” said Hinata.
“Your still not going to tell us where were going” asked Hanabi.
Naruto only shock his head as they walked out the door.
‘If I told them where were going they surely refuse to go’ thought Naruto.
The three walked through the streets of Konoha as they head towards the unknown destination; well at least to Hanabi and Hinata. As they walked Naruto could feel three people following them, but he knew whom they were, he just didn’t know why they were following them, When Naruto was about to tell the three to come out when someone stepped in front of him.
“You again” said Naruto as Jiraiya stood in front of him.
“Naruto we need to talk” said Jiraiya.
“We already talked” said Naruto.
“Yeah well what we talked about wasn’t really what we needed to talk about, I just completely forgot about what I needed to tell you” said Jiraiya.
“OK so spill it” said Naruto.
“I think we should talk in private” said Naruto.
“Come” said Jiraiya as they walked about fifteen feet away from the girls.
Before they even began to talk Naruto was already annoyed by the three sets of eyes spying on him.
“All right that it’s you can come out, I know you’re their Konohamaru I can sense you” Yelled Naruto to some nearby crates.
“WHAT?” . . . . The genjutsu was dispelled and Konohamaru and his team came out.
“HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW? . . . . . . This is a very powerful genjutsu I just learned, not even the Hokage knew I was spying on her” said Konohamaru.
‘Uh either I’m getting old or that was definitely a powerful genjutsu, I didn’t even sense it, but Naruto did hu . . . . . . Wait did he just say that even Tsunade could sense him, interesting’ thought Jiraiya with a perverted grin.
Naruto paid not attention to Konohamaru he turned around to see Hinata and Hanabi talking with Kiba who had just arrived, so he decided to finish the conversation with these idiots.
“Look I’m in a hurry so tell me what you want” said Naruto.
At the same time both Konohamaru and Jiraiya started to say something.
“Hey he was talking to me” said Jiraiya.
“Yeah well I need to talk to him to” said Konohamaru.
“I can listen to both of you, just hurry up” said Naruto.
“Naruto I just wanted to give you this” said Jiraiya.
“Oh” said Naruto as he took the scroll from him.
“Naruto are you with them” asked Konohamaru as he pointed to Hinata and Hanabi.
“Yes . . . . . . What is this scroll” asked Naruto.
“It’s from your parents” said Jiraiya.
“My parents? Do you know who they are?” asked Naruto.
“What are their names?” asked Konohamaru.
“Yes I know them, you will learn everything you need to from the scroll” said Jiraiya.
“Hinata and Hanabi” said Naruto
“Nice” said Konohamaru.
“This is getting confusing” Udon whispered to Moegi with a bored face.
Naruto put the scroll in his pocket.
“Aren’t you going to read it” asked Jiraiya.
“Not right now, I already told you I’m busy” said Naruto.
“Naruto, which one is she?” asked Konohamaru as he pointed at Hanabi.
“If you like I can tell you who your parents are, and then you can find out other things from the scroll”
“Uhm sure, that’s Hanabi” said Naruto.
“Naruto . . . . . . Your mother was a kunoich by the name of Uzumaki Kushina . . . . . . And your father was . . . . . . Was Namikaze Minato . . . . . . The fourth Hokage” said Jiraiya.
Naruto was stunned by the news; he just stood there in silence.
“Hey Naruto can you introduce me to—“ Konohamaru didn’t finish as it barely sunk in what Jiraiya said.
Naruto looked over to Hinata and Hanabi only to see Kiba lying on the floor, and then his thoughts went back to what Jiraiya just told him, suddenly a smile sprouted on his face as he began to walk towards Hinata and Hanabi.
“Uhhh I guess he needs time to think” said Jiraiya as he turned to look at Konohamaru.
“Was that the reason you had us spying on Naruto, just so you could know who that girl was” yelled Moegi as she hit Konohamaru on the head and left along with Udon. Konohamaru was about to leave as well when Jiraiya held him back.
“Where do you think your going” said Jiraiya.
“What do you want old man” asked Konohamaru.
“Show me that genjutsu of your”
“What? . . . Why?” asked Konohamaru.
“Do really want to know?” asked Jiraiya.
Konohamaru only nodded his head with a huge grin on it; he already had a clue on what he wanted it for seeing as how Naruto had already told him about Jiraiya.
‘This kid is kind of like Naruto, but different at the same time . . . . . . I wonder if . . . . . . maybe just maybe I finally found my successor’ thought Jiraiya as he could easily see the perverseness in Konohamaru.
“Why is Kiba on the floor” asked Naruto as he reached the girls.
“He was all over Hinata and flirting with her, then I just told him that she was pregnant and he fainted” said Hanabi.
“Oh” said Naruto as they went on their way.
As they continued to walk, the route looked awfully familiar to Hinata and that’s when she figured it out.
“Naruto-kun . . . . . I – I . . . I don’t want to go” said Hinata a bit worried.
“So you found out where were going” said Naruto.
“To the Hyuga Compound” said Hinata.
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Anonymous readerReport

2016-04-28 17:43:26
Good but no justu come on add actions

Anonymous readerReport

2015-12-07 20:23:45
reading this in fragments is killing me

anonymous readerReport

2012-10-20 04:54:04
Jiraiya is still perverted you’ve got to love him ^_^

anonymous readerReport

2010-09-04 02:06:42
Is this the anime or the manga? No. Its a different story just using the characters and their mannerisms. I’ve read a lot of books and stories over the years and this one has a good story to it. A little short and could use some filling in, but hey nobody is expecting a freaking novel. Its still a good story. Thanks for the time to come up with it all.

anonymous readerReport

2010-08-14 02:57:27
Fuck bro is right but dark cloud used plot no jutsu