The old man by the Playground.


A little old man (pedophile?) came by the playground and asked, “Where are the Children?”

I said, “There are no children, the school is closed.”

The little old man came by the playground again and asked, “Where are the Children?”

I said, “There are no children, the school is closed.”

The third the old man cam by and said where are the children?”

I thought of something…I said, “Okay, spell dog as in ‘dogmatic’,”

And he replied, “D-O-G.”

I said, “Spell ‘cat’ as in cataclysmic.”

And he spelled, “C-A-T.”

Then I said, “Spell ‘fuck’ as in children.”

And he said, “There ain’t no fuck in children!”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” I said.