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“You surprised me, and you’re not bad just new physical combat. Guy will get you there man,” Desmond says and I feel weird as he turns his attention to the bathroom,” Sis hurry the fuck up or we’re going to be late for your date.”

The bathroom door opens and Wilma exits and I’m a little surprised. Every time I saw Wilma before now she had a very ‘man’ look about her save for her female face. Her denim jacket boy cut along with loose jeans like a man would wear. To see her in a torn gothic black tank top and black bikini top for a bra is a shock but it’s the knee high boots and leather skirt short enough to be a collar with fishnets that has me speechless. I’m stunned but Desmond and Wilma are perfectly fine and we’re off to the club with me realizing that I need to follow them. I’m thankful that I get to come along and be back up for Desmond, it’s a chance at least to get a front row seat to how Guy handles people. The club is more of an abandon or condemned building with what I can only imagine to be trance music and too many neon and strobe lights inside for anyone to actually enjoy. Desmond let’s Wilma out first and she has to walk in while we wait. I want to talk but Desmond has what I’ve learned from the rest of the crew is ‘Game Face’. I don’t get it and we wait for a few minutes when we get a message on the crappy phone Desmond uses that Wilma has found her ‘date’. I honestly think we should be inside but Desmond and Guy waved me off on that stating she’ll be fine.

An hour, sixty minutes of quiet with Desmond and me in the car waiting when we see Wilma walk out with the skinny Asian hacker hanging all over her. They’re laughing and smiling as he takes her to his car and I watch them kiss, it’s sloppy and full of him groping her before they get inside and start driving. Desmond is quick to follow and it’s another twenty minutes when we arrive at the Motel that was selected for this outing. To be perfectly honest the motel is a piece of shit and I watch from my place in the passenger side as after a minor make out session the Wilma takes her date up to her room.

“Alright change of plan, I’m not going up there in fifteen minutes to kick the door in,” Desmond informs me and I stare at him like he’s crazy when he drops the bomb on me,” You’re going to go up there and kick that little fucker’s head in.”

“Wait the plan was for you to go up there, Guy said you’ve done it before,” I try to explain and he stops me.

“Stuart seriously I respect Guy but fuck who does what, I can still back you up if I need to but do you really want to step aside and let me do it or would you rather grab that little fucker by the head and introduce him to bad motel wall paper,” Desmond asks and I realize I don’t have a choice.

Granted I do actually have a choice, I can just walk back down to the car and chicken out but then I have to contend with the monster sitting on the hood waiting. Desmond wrapped my hands in some athletic tape and has me waiting outside the door for what he says will be a noticeable signal. How am I going to know that, I’ve never done this before? Still waiting when I hear Wilma’s voice start talking about ‘her loser boyfriend’ and I figure that’s the point to kick the door in, I back up to the rail and deliver a solid kick to the door knob. It’s not like the movies, the door doesn’t really splinter, it just flies open for the most part and the sight has me boiling. Hot candles and wax, a bound Wilma with her ass in the air and mascara running down her face, a mostly nude Henry except for the women’s panties and what must pass for an erection poking out of it.

His shock lasts for a second as I rush him knocking the candle out of his hand and slamming my fist into his gut. I don’t hit him hard, I fold his body around my fist damn near lifting him up off the ground. I pull my fist back and he drops to the floor just long enough for me to grab his head and taking a page out of Desmond’s book when he beat me up gain some speed moving across the room before slamming him into the old style TV. It’s cracked and splintered and I see blood coming from his shoulder where he hit. I’m full of rage and pick him up by his neck and crotch lifting him over my head and slam him upward back first into the ceiling before letting him fall to the floor. Wilma has somehow moved out of the combat zone but it’s expanding as I wrap both hands around little Henry’s neck and stand him up by pure strength alone. He’s coming aware and it’s when I let him see me that I pull my right hand back and put the lights out with a hard fist to the face. I actually hit him too hard as I lose my grip and he falls down. There is a light at my back that draws my attention, I grab a handful of his dirty black hair and the back of his girly panties and run him out the door and over the railing. The second floor railing which lands him face first in an empty parking stall. I rush down to get me some more when Desmond cuts me off. It takes me a second to realize that I’m not getting past him despite my strength when he holds me at arm’s length.

“He’s done, I got this now ,” he says handing me some keys and pointing up stairs,” Get my sister back to the hotel and do not answer the door unless it’s one of the team or the police.”

I nod and rush back up stairs and get into the room only to find Wilma unbound and cleaning her face with what looks to be a wet paper napkin, her clothes are still on the floor and now I am seeing her nude and it’s drastically different from Candice. She’s lean and with light muscle all over her body, her breasts are small to almost barely noticeable with little nipples accentuating them. I stare at her for a minute before speaking.

“We need to hurry up and leave,” I tell her grabbing her clothes and handing them to her.

“I need to pay the bill,” Wilma informs me only putting on her leather skirt and torn tank top.

I follow her out of the room and am careful not to touch anything as we head to the front desk, fuck the bill I say it’s not worth the jail time. I follow her into the office and watch her walk behind the counter and into the door labeled manager. I stand there feeling kind of stupid and note that douchbag’s car is gone and so is Desmond. A male groan of what I can only guess is pain emanates from behind the door and Wilma exits the office with me and we head back to the car. We’re not five minutes down the road when Wilma decides we need to converse.

“So did that unnerve you? Me going into the manager’s office without knocking,” She asks and I’m honestly confused.

“Not knocking? You just seduced a guy in a night club and had him in a hotel pouring hot wax over your ass and I’m supposed to be unnerved about you not knocking,” I reply looking at her oddly as we drive in what I hope is the direction of sanity.

“Yes, it was rude to do but the manager didn’t have a bell to ring,” Wilma replies leaning her head against the window,” it’s sad too, he showed some promise. The computer boy, he even wore the panties I told him to. Oh well a job is a job and it’s not like there aren’t plenty of people out there that like hot wax play and sex punching.”

I’m dead quiet as I try to figure out what sex punching is. All the images that I am getting disturb me a little and I really wonder if Guy knows Wilma is nuts why does she work for him? I get us back to the hotel and we make it to her room, I follow her lead and figure sticking together is what Guy would want us to do. Wilma heads to her bathroom to clean up and while I’m sitting in a chair in jeans and a t shirt I start to realize there is blood on my hands. Not a figure of speech I have another man’s blood on my hands and he’s somewhere out there probably needing to get to a hospital and I did that to him. I barely notice Wilma as she exits the bathroom and sits down on the floor in front of me cross legged. She’s got a big gray sweater for a man with no sleeves and cotton men’s gym shorts on as she looks up at me.

“So you wanna tell me how it felt? It was good right? I mean you seriously fucked him up. I thought my brother was going to kick that door it but you took the reins in that job and you fucked Asian computer boy up,” Wilma says almost praising or marveling at what I did,” Oh my are you bleeding?”

I look at my hands again and shake my head no. She’s watching me confused, like she doesn’t understand something about me. I watch as Wilma takes one of my hands and pulls it to her face slowly smelling the blood on it before rubbing my hand gently against her face. I really don’t know what she’s doing as she massages her cheek with my bloodied hand but after a minute I pull my hand back and stand up.

“I’m gonna shower, remember don’t answer the door unless it’s Guy or someone we know,” I tell her quickly before getting out of the room and into the bathroom.

I shake off the weird factor that Wilma seems to have all over this evening for me and strip down to shower. Warm water is good and the dried blood comes off my hands quickly and I soap up and turn to find a naked Wilma standing in the shower.