Playing doctor with little cousin

Young female cousin plays doctor with me as her patient.

In the early 70s when I was 13 and my cousin Julie (just turned eight) visited with her family, I watched her one night while our parents went to eat. I asked what she wanted to do, and she said she wanted to try out her new play doctor medical kit she got for her birthday. I said sure. She said she would be the doctor and I would be her patient.

Julie told me to sit on the bed so she could check my throat, ears and heart with her toy medical equipment. I then asked her if she was going to examine me, shouldn’t I undress like real patients do? She hesitated, then shrugged and said okay. So I stood up, took off my shirt, shorts and finally underwear. She blushed and got a huge grin on her face as I stood there naked. I asked why and she said she just thought it was funny.

I sat on the bed and she checked my ears, throat and then my heart. Then she tapped my chest and back with her finger like she said she saw them do on TV. Then she said she was done and that I was healthy. I said that doctors do much more than that in an exam. I asked if she wanted to act like a real doctor and she said yes because she wanted to be one when she grew up.

I asked if she wanted me to tell her how to do it and she nodded. So I stood up and said she had to feel all over my body making sure I didn’t have any injuries or anything. She hesitated again, then said “Okay”. So she started poking at my legs. I said she needed to rub her fingers along every inch of me to do it correctly.

So she began to do what I asked. her fingers ran up and down my legs, along my arms, then, my chest and back nice and slow. It felt terrific and caused a twinge in my penis. Finally, she asked if that was all she had to do. I said she had to check everywhere, including my butt and penis. She giggled and said “Really?” I said that’s what real doctors do.

Giggling again, she said “Okay”. She began feeling along my butt cheeks. I then bent over and told her to pull my cheeks apart to make sure there was no rash. She giggled again, but did it. She told me not to fart and laughed. Standing up, I faced her and said she had one last thing to check. She stared at my penis and said “Do I have to?”. I said “Of course”.

She asked how to check it, and I told her to take my penis in her hand gently and rub it to make sure there aren’t any injuries. She did. Watching her rub my penis was too much. I then told her to feel my balls with the other hand. She did. At that point I couldn’t hold back and got an erection.

That startled her and she jumped back. She asked why that happened and I said it does that every once in a while. I told her there was only one way to fix it. She asked how and I said I had to rub a lotion on it. I pointed to a bottle of lotion on my dresser and asked her to do it for me since she was the doctor. She wasn’t sure about it, so I told her that real doctors do whatever they need to to help a patient.

She hesitated, then nodded and got the lotion. She asked what she nodded to do. I lay on the bed and said she needed to kiss it first. Her eyes widened and she said “What?”. I said kiss it like mommies do to make it feel better. After a long wait, she finally leaned over and kissed it lightly on the side. I said a little harder, and she pressed her lips against my shaft for a few seconds. I then told her to kiss the top. She hesitated again, then did.

“Like that?” she asked. I said she had to put her lips all the way around the top to make sure everything was all right. She didn’t look like she liked that idea, but to my surprise, she actually did it. She opened her mouth and slowly slipped my entire head into it. The sight of the tip of my penis between her lips was incredible. I almost came right then and there.

She pulled her head away smacking her lips and said it tasted funny. I said that was because she did a great job and that it felt much better. After that, I told her to rub a lot of lotion on my penis. I squirted some on her hand and told her to go ahead. She hesitated, then reached over and dabbed some on the side of my penis. “Like that?” she asked. I shook my head and said “Like “this.”

I took her hand and rubbed it up and down my shaft a few times. “See?” I asked and she nodded. She giggled and said it felt weird. I said it’s just skin. She asked how long she needed to do it and I said until I told her to stop. So she continued to stroke my penis, adding some more lotion when I told her too.

After a minute or so, she said it wasn’t working. I told her she had to rub harder and faster to get the lotion into my skin. So she started doing that. I soon started to moan and she stopped, asking if she was hurting me. I said no, that just meant it was working and that she was doing a great job. I told her she would make a great doctor. She smiled at that and started stroking again.

In less than a minute, I started shooting cum into the air. She yelped in shock and jumped back. She asked what happened. I acted worried and said she must have rubbed too hard. She looked panicked as if she was going to get in trouble. I said not to worry. I wouldn’t tell anyone that she caused that, because if our parents found out, they’d be upset that she almost “hurt me”.

She started to calm down and actually thanked me for not telling on her. (I was an asshole in those days). I finished stroking until all my cum was out then told her to grab some tissue off my dresser. She did and I had her clean me up. She took hold of my penis and wiped all the cum off of every side and the head.

She asked if it hurt, and I said just a little. I almost came again when she leaned over and wrapped her mouth around my head again to make it “feel better” Oh, it did. I felt a LOT better. She smacked her lips again and said it was salty. I asked her to do it one more time to be sure and she did, longer that time. WOW! Then I told her to go wash her hands in the bathroom and make sure to flush the tissue away so no one would find out what happened. I then washed myself off and got dressed.

I guess she never said a word to anyone because otherwise I may have gotten my ass kicked. I saw her again years later, but she never acted weird or said anything about it. Wonder if she ever played doctor with an other guys? 😀