My Dog Sammie

It all started back when I was 15, both my parents had to fly to the states for buisness and I was home alone with my dog, Sammie, she was a husky with beautiful white fur and cute blue eyes. One day after coming home from school, I felt the urge to wank, so I hopped onto the computer and found my “secret little folder”, with all my porno stories and videos. I pulled my pants down and began to pull at my dick, and then Sammie came up beside me and watched me wank, I stopped and thought, “hmm, is it ok to let my dog watch me wank?”. Sammie then started to lick at my penis, I turned my seat around so she had easier acess to it, she licked furiously at my dick, obviously loving the taste, and then she put her paws on my knees and licked the tip, as soon as I felt the urge to cum, I stood up and pulled at my dick, releasing the hot white cum, onto my beautiful Sammie’s head and onto the floor. Sammie sniffed at the cum on the floor and started licking it up,. Sammie then began licking my now half-erect penis again, cleaning off all the cum. Sammie then walked off into the lounge room, and I thought to myself, “whoa!, what just happened!?, should i have let her do it?”.
The next day after school I serched “zoophilia” on the internet, and found out what people think of it, “geez maybe I shouldnt have done it”. After browsng the websites for a while, I found a site with videos of girls having sex with dogs and horses; I clicked on the first one and a huge Rotwiler was fucking a girl, she was moaning in ecstacy as the dog was going in and out of her young pussy; then I thought , “I wonder if Sammie would let me do that to her”. Later that day I remembered that about a week ago, Sammie got her period and was in heat right now, and I shouted in jubilation, “whoo! what luck this is!”. About an hour later, Sammie walked in the room and came up to me, and knowing what she wanted, I got down on my knees and turned her around. Sammie’s pussy was slighty wet, and i began to slowly insert my finger into her swollen cunt. Sammie let out a low growl, and I pushed my finger in a bit deeper and wiggled it around and pulled it out, this caused some fluid to come out of Sammie’s beautiful vagina.
I moved up to Sammie’s sweet face and asked her, “How would you like to be fucked?”, Sammie then got on top of me and started licking my mouth, I opened my mouth and let her tounge in, we kissed for about a minute, after this my penis was rock hard. I pulled my pants and boxers off, and Sammie moved up to my dick and licked the top, I was so horny that I could have cummed right then, I told her to slow down, or i would ejaculate too quickly. I moved up to Sammie’s rear and tried to mount her like a male dog does, I then slid my dick into Sammie’s wet juicy pussy, she let out a soft growl, then i slowly started pumping at her pussy, i was in pure ecstasy as I moved my hard dick up and down in her pink wet pussy, my dick was throbing and I wanted to cum, but I stoped for a second and continued pumping so that I wouldnt cum, but finaly I gave in and I came. As I pulled my dick out she turned around and licked my face, so I think she liked it. I layed on my bed and coxed her up with me, and we both layed there, and I had my arms around her. Suddenly it hit me, that i was going to be alone with Sammie for another two whole weeks. I said with a smile to my lovely Sammie, “I think we’re going to have a wonderful few weeks”, and with that I kissed her once more and told her that I loved her.
This is my first story so please don’t hate. suggestions welcome.

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Anonymous readerReport

2015-05-15 09:58:16
I loved it and wanked my cock I fun so much thankyou

Anonymous readerReport

2014-07-24 11:48:36

Anonymous readerReport

2014-04-13 01:42:59
Vusi bam

Anonymous readerReport

2014-03-29 05:32:45
Sooo hot this made me so wet

Anonymous readerReport

2014-02-16 09:50:55
Fuck tsk tsk kmt bomboclat asshole mother fucker nkt