Mother-in-law wars

Sean meets the girl of his dreams and falls madly in love with her at first sight. After a two year of courtship they become engaged. The soon to be mother-in-law steps in and trys every trick she knows to prevent their marriage. Everything backfire on the mother-in-law when Sean and his bride to be elope. That kicked off a ten year war between Sean and his hateful mother-in-law. However some ten years later they cum to an agreement.


I have been married to Karen for twenty-five wonderful years, and I knew the first time I saw her that I wanted her for my wife. She was seventeen at the time and a senior in high school. I was twenty and just starting my sophomore year at one of the local Universities. Her beauty took my breath away. She was a tall, lean blond with sky blue eyes. At first glance, I guessed her height to be around 5’ 6,” and she weighed maybe 120 to 125. The most noteworthy thing I noticed was her marvelous rack. There again, it was just a guess, but I was reasonably sure they were at least 36Cs.

When I saw her that first day, I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and smother her with kisses. However, I was the strikeout king when it came to approaching a beautiful woman. I had spent my entire freshman year at college, learning how to approach the opposite sex successfully. I was turned down numerous times by some of the most beautiful girls on campus. Through trial and error, I had perfected a reasonably successful approach. It wasn’t 100%, but my chances had increased significantly. I took a deep breath and approached this breathtakingly beautiful girl as she scanned the shelf in front of her.

“Excuse me, Miss, but can you tell me which aisle I can find chicken noodle soup?”

She turned to face me with a puzzled look and then smirked, “You do know we are in a Hardware Store, don’t you? I believe you want the Supermarket just south of here. It’s in the same strip mall, but three doors down.”

“Oh my, Gosh! I feel so stupid,” I feigned. I even managed to produce a red face to bolster my smokescreen. My subterfuge appeared to be working.

She pointed toward the front of the store and said, “Go out the front door and turn right. The Supermarket is the third door down.”

“Thank you so much,” I said, then turn to leave. Before taking my first step, I stopped and faced the young woman again and added, “I am not from around here. I attend the University. My name Sean.”

“Well, don’t beat yourself up over it, Sean. Even a smart college student like you could have made the same mistake,” she answered, then turned back to what she was doing.

I stood there, baffled. That approach usually resulted in laughter and a lot of cheerful conversation. I then repeated, “My name is Sean. What is your name?”

She turned and faced me again. She looked at me for a moment like she was sizing me up. I was beginning to feel awkward. She took a deep breath then said, “Look, Sean, I’m sure you are a nice guy, but I am still in high school. I’m not quite eighteen, and I don’t think my mother would approve of me giving my name and phone number to a guy your age.”

“My age,” I squawked. “Just how old do you think I am?”

“I don’t know, Sean,” she sweetly smiled. “You are in College, and I am still in high school. I’m what my mother would refer to as Jail Bait for a guy your age!”

“Jail bait,” I grumbled? “You would be Jail Bait only if I had intentions of getting into your pants!”

At this point, I was totally dumbfounded. I was being accused of… accused of… I don’t know what I was being accused of. My mind was racing to find the right words.

“Oh, so are you saying you have no secret desires to get into my pants, Sean” She giggled with a hint of a playful smile? “Am I too ugly to interest you in that way?”

“No! Not at all. I’d love to get into your pants,” I blurted before realizing the implications of what I was saying. “I mean… I didn’t… Oh shit! I…I mean… oh crap. I’m embarrassing both of us now. Let me start over again.”

I was stumbling over my words and stuttering to the point of not making any sense at all. The girl reached out and placed her hand on my forearm and laughed, “It’s okay, Sean. I know what you were trying to say. It’s no big deal. I was having a little fun with you and jerking your chain a bit.”

She reached into her purse and got a pen and paper. She scribbled something on it and handed it to me. I looked at it with a puzzled expression on my face as she scurried toward check-out.

“That’s my name and phone number,” she shouted over her shoulder. “If you don’t mind undergoing my mother’s inquisition, you can call and ask me out for a coke or coffee some time.”

I looked at the note again and saw that her name was Karen. “I’ll call you, Karen,” I shouted as she kept moving. She didn’t look back but did give me the thumbs up over her shoulder.

I called Karen’s phone number the very next day, and as luck would have it, her mother answered with, “Hello,” in a very formal tone. Keep in mind this took place before everyone had their own cell phone.

“Good morning, may I speak with Karen, please,” I asked in my most formal and friendly voice.

“Whom shall I say is calling?”

“I’m sorry. I should have identified myself,” I said, trying to keep the exchange formal. “Please tell Karen it’s Sean from the hardware store.”

“Karen, Honey, it’s for you. Someone named Sean, who works at the hardware store.” I heard her mother say.

A minute later, Karen answered, “Hello, Sean,” she giggled. “I didn’t think you would really call after I told you about my mother. That usually scares guys away.”

“Did you want to scare me away?”

“No… but I was afraid it might.”

“Are you kidding? After the trouble, I went through to wrangle the phone number of the prettiest girl I have ever met,” I boldly answered.

“Sean, is this a booty call? I told you how my mother feels about that sort of thing,” she said in a somber tone.

Her candid comment took me by surprise. For a minute or two, I couldn’t say anything. When I did start to speak, I was tongue-tied and back to stuttering and stammering again as I had at the hardware store. I was not making any sense at all. I was trying to collect my thoughts when Karen started laughing.

“Sean… Sean… calm down. I was only kidding you,” she giggled.

I could feel the heat rising from around my neck as my face turned red with embarrassment. I was baffled by this gorgeous teenage girl who keeps me off balance with her spontaneous humor. It took me a minute to collect my wits, and the only thing I could think to say was, “Damn it, Karen, don’t keep doing that to me. I can never tell if you are serious or not.”

“Well, excuseeeee me,” she huffed. “I didn’t peg you as a stuffed shirt who couldn’t take a joke.”

Now I felt terrible about snapping at her. I liked this girl, I really did. I loved her contagious smile and her playfulness. I just wasn’t used to someone as free-spirited as she seemed to be. I started to apologize, but she cut me off in mid-sentence.

“What time are you picking me up to get that coke or cup of coffee,” she asked with a cheerfulness that conveyed she wasn’t angry with me.

“What time can I pick you up,” I asked? “I’m open to whatever time you want me to come.”

“Let me talk to my mother and then call you back,” she replied. “Give me a number where I can reach you.”

I was in a phone booth at the time and read the number displayed on the rotary dial. Karen wrote it down and promised to call me back within the next fifteen minutes. After twenty minutes, I had become concerned that her mother may have nixed our going out together. I was just about to give up and mark it down as another letdown in my love life when the phone rang. I snatched it up on the first ring and said, “Did your mother give her… okay?”

The long pause from Karen caused my heart to sink. I was waiting for the bad news. With my luck at dating, I should be used to rejections. I heard Karen take a deep breath and then asked, “Sean, do you mind coming to my house around two o’clock and let my mother meet you? She has some questions she wants answering before giving her approval.”

“Sure,” I quickly answered. “What kind of questions? Is this the inquisition you spoke of yesterday?”

“Pretty much,” she sighed. “Just relax and answer her questions truthfully, and I think everything will be fine.”

“Okay. I’ll see you and your mother at two o’clock,” I excitedly answered and then hung up.

Karen’s two-story colonial-style house was located on a quiet tree-lined lane that backed up to the country club golf course. I was met at the front door by Karen’s mother and was amazed to see that Karen’s mother was a slightly older version of her daughter. I know I had described Karen as the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Well, that went double for her mother. No… I would go so far as to say… triple! The first subtle whiff of her mother’s delicate perfume caused a stirring in my pants. I was lucky I had stopped to buy a bouquet of flowers. I used them to hide my growing bulge until I was safely seated.

My very first thoughts were how much I wanted to rip this woman’s clothes off and lick every square inch of her naked body. I had images of thrusting my tongue between her full luscious lips. I even had visions of doing what was known at the time as, “Around the world.” The very thought of it only made my bulge larger and more uncomfortable. My breathing was more rapid, and making it difficult to speak. I could also feel myself blushing.

If you are not familiar with the term, “around the world,” that’s when you start with a passionate kiss, then move to her naked breast for a small feast on each nipple. Then follow with a tongue bath of her luscious pussy lips. After this, you give the same tongue bath to her crinkled rosebud before kissing your way slowly down one of her legs and suck each individual toe into your mouth. Be sure to swab your tongue between each toe before moving to the other leg and doing the same. The return trip up her other leg consists of making the same stops and feasting on the same things. Your journey ends with another passionate kiss. If appropriately done, she should be begging for your cock to be shoved into her drooling cunt.

Despite what my first lustful desires may have been toward Karen’s mother, she appeared to be the archetypal society woman in her late thirties or early forties. Mrs. Merriam Sedgwick was somewhat snobbish. She had piercing blue eyes, and she wore her golden-blonde hair down, past her shoulders. I learned later that she usually wore her hair in a ponytail, but wanted to look the part of a strong woman for my benefit. Her stylishly tailored business attire accentuated her voluptuousness. Karen’s comments the day before about her mother’s strictness had me expecting Mrs. Sedgwick to be a stout woman with a matronly roundness. However, she had a curvy feminine figure. I would have guessed her age to be in the early thirties. I knew that couldn’t be because she would have been fourteen when she gave birth to Karen.

Mrs. Sedgwick sat on the sofa with her daughter at her side, and I was comfortably seated in an elegant wingback chair across from them. Mrs. Sedgwick held her knees tightly together, and her legs were crossed at the ankles. Her hands resting in her laps as I presumed, she’d learned in charm school. I had to concentrate on maintaining eye contact to fight off my urge to study her magnificent breast. A bonus to maintaining eye contact was I could examine her full luscious lips without appearing crude.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you took the time to meet with me, Sean. Your name is Sean, correct,” she smiled?

Karen’s mother had unwittingly moistened her lips with her tongue just before speaking. At least I thought it was unconsciously. In any event, it excited me to the point my throat constricted. I couldn’t answer. I didn’t want my voice to break, so I nodded my head. It was her show, and I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. My cock was already begging for relief just being near this beautiful woman.

“I like to know who my daughter is spending her time with,” Mrs. Sedgwick said.

“I couldn’t agree more!” I told her with an insuring smile. It’s good that you care enough to take an interest in her associates.” I am putting on my best performance to get past this interrogation.

“Karen tells me you are in your second year at the university,” she sweetly smiled.

I nodded in the affirmative.

“That should make you what, twenty-three or twenty-four?”

“No, ma’am! I’m only twenty,” I quickly countered.

She looked like she did a quick calculation in her head and said,” Oh… you look much more mature than a twenty-year-old.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Mrs. Sedgwick, but I’m still just a kid like Karen.”

She smiled and asked, “What is your major at the university?”

“I don’t have one yet.”

She frowned, wrinkled her nose, and glanced over at Karen. I quickly added that my father was a top-level executive with a large corporation. And he was in the process of advising me on what courses I needed to take to prepare myself to join his company. That seemed to satisfy her.

Mrs. Sedgwick smiled and asked where I planned to take Karen. I shrugged my shoulders and replied, “I’m not sure. I’m not from around here.

“There is a corner drugstore down the street with a nice soda fountain. I would suggest going there,” Mrs. Sedgwick pleasantly smiled. “You can walk there from here. And why don’t you and Karen take Binky with you? He hasn’t had a good walk today.”

Binky was the family dog, and in keeping with my efforts to make an excellent first impression, I quickly agreed. It took us about ten minutes to walk to the drugstore. Everyone seemed to know Karen and Binky. The woman behind the soda fountain greeted Karen and Binky and said, “What will it be a vanilla ice cream cone?”

Karen nodded, yes.

“One or two scoops,” the woman asked.

Karen held up one finger, but I shook my head no and held up two fingers. Because I wanted to impress my new girlfriend on our first date. Karen took the ice cream cone and sat in a booth. She summoned Binky and held the cone for him to lick. Needless to say, I was puzzled.

Karen laughed and said, “Binky loves vanilla ice cream. I bring him down to the drugstore at least once a week for his treat. He is usually satisfied with one scoop, but today it looks like he will get two scoops.”

I felt foolish. After Binky finished his ice cream, Karen and I ordered a coke each and spent the next hour learning more about each other. Karen told me her father, Mr. Charles Sedgwick (aka, Charlie), was an upper-level executive with a large Telecommunication Company. And her mother was a stay at home mom, and as I had guessed, a society woman. Karen had an older brother, David. She didn’t tell me much about him.

We strolled back to Karen’s house and found David resting in a chair on the front porch. It was like he was waiting for our return. David was about 6’ 3” and probably about 230 pounds of solid muscle. He was a member of the Marine Reserves and stayed in shape in case he was called to active duty. I am 6′ 190 pounds and never served in the military. I was in good shape, though, because I played sports in high school. Karen introduced us, but David didn’t seem all that pleased with me, but I could tell he was sizing me up. I assumed it was his big brother’s instinct to protect his little sister. He was a year older than me and attending the same University but was a year behind me because he spent a couple of years on active duty before transferring to the Marine Reserves.

I was invited to stay for dinner and meet Karen’s father, Charlie. The conversation around the dinner table was surprisingly relaxed. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Well, maybe a little awkward because David continued to eyeball me with suspicion. After dinner, Karen and I were allowed to go to a sunroom off her bedroom, where we listened to music on her CD player. We danced some, and I was able to sneak an occasional kiss but nothing too passionate. Karen’s mother kept popping in to see if we needed refreshments or anything. Over the next month, that was pretty much how each date with Karen went. After Karen’s eighteenth birthday party, I was allowed to take Karen, in my car, to a local drive-in restaurant for a milkshake.

Things got easier after that, but Karen’s mother kept a close eye on me and often suggested to Karen, she should date other guys in addition to me. She didn’t want us getting too serious about each other. I hesitated to tell Mrs. Sedgwick we were already serious about each other. The night of her eighteenth birthday, she allowed me to fondle her tits. I think she was aroused enough to let me put my hand up her dress, but I was too chicken to try.

It wasn’t long before I got the nerve to make “the” move on Karen. I had delayed because I was scared of her mother. The very next week, I took Karen to a Drive-in Movie. After about forty-five minutes of passionate kissing, I talk her into a handjob. It didn’t take long for me to feel a powerful orgasm working its way up from my balls. I told Karen I was going to cum and asked her to hand me a Kleenex. She ignored me and kept pumping.

Just before I exploded, she dropped down and took my cock in her mouth and drained every drop of my juices. She smiled up at me and opened her mouth to show what she had captured. She swallowed and went back to stroking my now deflating cock. She used her thumbnail along my urethra to force another drop of cum to the tip of my cock. I remember thinking she had done this before. This was not the first cock Karen had sucked. I was more stunned when she sucked the drop into her mouth and then quickly kissed me, pushing the cum into my mouth. Who the hell is this girl, I thought? No one had ever done that to me. My first thought was how disgusting it was, but then I realized how aroused it made me.

I was confident in my ability to fuck and eat pussy. I boldly made my next move, and Karen was more receptive to my advances than I had ever believed she would be. She loved my tongue on her pussy and easily reached orgasms. I soon discovered Karen loved sex, and after that first time, we rarely miss a day without one or two bouts. After dating another six months, we shared our sexual histories, clearing the air. I learned a lot of surprising things about Karen that I was sure her mother wasn’t aware of.

David didn’t hesitate to show his displeasure with me for dating his little sister. Sometimes when I went to pick her up, he would meet me at the front door and tell me she must have forgotten about our date because she left fifteen minutes earlier with friends. That almost worked, but Binky started barking at me, and Karen came to check out his barking.

Karen’s mother was just as bad as David when it came to impeding my time with her daughter. She would schedule a mother/daughter outing to conflict with my plans to attend a concert or dance. Karen was hesitant to defy her mother and often asked me to make other arrangements just to keep order in our relationship. I always bit my tongue and conceded to Karen’s wishes.

Karen and I became engaged about eighteen months after our first meeting at the hardware store. Karen’s mother, Merriam, openly loathed me from that moment on and tried every delay tactic she could think of to derail our engagement. Actually, I don’t think she ever really warmed up to me after we started dating regularly.

Merriam took over planning our wedding and kept changing dates and venues, hoping we would get frustrated and call off the marriage. This went on for about two months. Merriam’s schemes backfired when Karen came to me and suggested we slip away to the next state and get married without mommy dearest’s presence.

You talk about shit hitting the fan. When we came home that night and announced we were married, Merriam first threatened to get the marriage annulled, but couldn’t because we were both of legal to marry. Next, she forbids Karen from going home with me on our wedding night. She thought if we were not allowed to consummate the marriage that night, it would give her time to come up with another plan to nullify our marriage.

An even more massive shit storm hit when we informed Merriam, we had already consummated the union a year earlier. Charlie intervened and overruled Merriam. Karen and I were allowed to go to my apartment to spend our wedding night in private. That night was the start of a ten-year love/hate relationship between my mother-in-law and me. I loved Karen, and Merriam hated me.

Before I elaborate on all the things, Merriam and I did over the next ten years to harass each other. I had better give you more background on my courtship of Karen. This will also give you some insight into why David wasn’t happy about me dating his little sister.

After I had dated Karen for about ten months, I stopped by her house one afternoon unannounced. I was used to just walking in by now like I was a member of the family. The front door was unlocked as usual, so I walked in without announcing myself. I couldn’t find Karen in the kitchen, so I walked back to her bedroom. I was frozen in my tracks. I found David and Karen naked in the middle of her bed, fucking like two minks. I couldn’t take my eyes off their erotic coupling.

They were so involved that they never knew I was there. I watched silently as Karen’s brother shoved what looked to be eight or nine inches of hard cock into her soaking wet pussy. I had to admit David sported a bit more cock than I was packing. Karen was so wet I could hear her pussy sloshing and his balls slapping against her bare bottom. She had her heels buried against his thighs, pulling herself up to meet each thrust he made into her. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t jealous. I was intensely aroused. Incest was something that always intrigued me. It may have been because I had always wanted to fuck one of my older sisters. The sister I was sexually attached to was five years older than me. And the prettiest girl in our small-town high school. She was a cheerleader and had been elected homecoming queen several years in a roll.

I unobtrusively backed out of Karen’s bedroom and quietly made my way out of the house. As I neared the front door, I heard Karen scream, “Oh my God, David! Please don’t stop! I’m cummming… again!”

I tried to tune her screams of pleasure out, but she followed with, “Faster… harder… just don’t stop fucking me, David!”

I needed to get someplace private and relieve my throbbing erection because I was on the verge of dumping my load in my jeans. I never told them or anyone else what I had witnessed. I had fucked several girlfriends in high school but never got the chance to fulfill my incestuous desires to have sex with my beautiful sister, Maggie. Incest continues to turn me on. Although I never got the opportunity to fuck Maggie, to this day, I would really love to fuck her. I came very close once, but that’s another story I may tell you about sometime in the future.

While Karen and I had cleared our sexual histories, she told me she had always been very popular with the opposite sex. And I don’t know or care when Karen willingly gave up her virginity. She failed to mention anything along the lines of having sex with her big brother. I loved her more than life itself, and if she had to fuck her brother, I was willing to share her as long she loved only me.

Guys still hit on her all the time, and she good-naturally flirted back. Eat your heart out I would smile to myself, she’s mine. I realized before I ever asked her to marry me, I was going to have to accept the fact she was more than I could handle sex-wise. I was already under her spell and concerned that a refusal to allow her to partake in her extra-sexual needs with David could jeopardize our relationship. I loved her and was willing to let her have her sexual trysts as along as she returned to me afterward. I was proud to have her as my girlfriend and then my wife. I feel confident she will always return to me.


Karen’s parents owned a beautiful vacation home on a large lake about an hour’s drive from their primary residence. It could comfortably sleep five or six couples. In the summer, most weekends were spent at the lake house. I was grudgingly invited because I was now a son-in-law. That first time I went, they had also invited three men and their wives to join them. Merriam took every opportunity to embarrass me. When each couple arrived, she directed me to carry their luggage up to the couple’s bedroom. This happened with each arriving couple, even though the husbands were capable of carrying their own bags. I obediently complied each time, but I was searching my brain for a way to retaliate.

Charlie and I grilled steaks that night while the guests relaxed with beer and wine on the outdoor deck. Each time Merriam saw that a guest required a refill, she instructed me to fetch it. I was treated more like a servant than a member of the family. When I looked at Karen for help, she gave me that “Please don’t make a scene” look. I noticed that Merriam had a favorite pair of house slippers. They were low heel white furry slippers that appeared to be very comfortable and very expensive.

The next morning when Merriam and the other women went down to the lake for a swim, I crept up to her bedroom and filled her furry slippers with molasses. I relaxed with a book and waited for her return. When the girls returned from their swim, Merriam made sandwiches for everyone and then headed to her bedroom. About ten minutes later, I heard Merriam shriek, “Oh my God! I’m going to kill that worthless bastard!”

Everyone, including myself, rushed to see what had happened to cause that reaction from Merriam. She was sitting on the edge of her bathtub, trying to clean the molasses from between her toes. Her expensive white slippers were in the waste can. Merriam’s eyes were tossing daggers at me.

“How could something like that happen,” I innocently inquired. “You don’t suppose we’ve had intruders in the house?”

I heard Charlie snicker and head back downstairs. I got the feeling he was enjoying the little war going on between Merriam and me. The rest of that weekend, Merriam went out of her way to avoid me. I felt victorious, but I knew Merriam was plotting her revenge. I didn’t have any idea what it might be, but I knew I had really angered her.

That vengeance came about two weeks later. I had to fly to Chicago with a short layover in Memphis. I booked my flight early so I could avoid the long lines at the airport. Merriam had called the airline posing as my secretary and changed my flight itinerary to a layover in Atlanta, a much more congested airport. There was no way to change it on such short notice. She booked me a short layover, knowing I could never make the connection in an airport as busy as Atlanta. I missed my connection in Atlanta and didn’t arrive in Chicago until after midnight. Merriam changed my hotel reservation to a non-confirmed reservation. That meant I lost my luxury suite and had to settle for a downgraded room near the ice machine and elevators. Needless to say, my sleep was interrupted throughout the night when someone scooped up a bucket of ice or when the elevator dinged each time it stopped on my floor.

I pretended that nothing had gone wrong with my trip. I could tell Merriam wanted me to whine about the mix-up, but I wasn’t about to her let have the satisfaction of gloating. The next weekend was the last get together at the lake house before the season would get too cold to enjoy the lake activities. I picked up some itching powder in a novelty shop in Chicago. I went to Merriam’s bedroom and found her new bikini swimsuit and sprinkled a robust amount in the gusset. Everyone hurried down to the lake. This time I went along to witness the fun.

I noticed on the walk down to the lake Merriam was starting to squirm and look around. I was hoping she had figured out that I was responsible for her discomfort. We had lounge chairs lined along the waterfront, and I chose one near my sweet mother-in-law. I didn’t want to miss a minute of her agony. I could see her face turning red, and she was beginning to sweat. I almost laughed when she tried to scratch her itchy vagina stealthily. She placed a towel over her lap, and I could tell by the movement of her arm, she was scratching the hell out of her pussy. Several times I caught her glaring at me.

Apparently, an itchy pussy also causes nipples to become erect. I chuckled to myself knowing, I was getting an unexpected bonus by seeing Merriam’s hard nipples poke against her bikini top. Merriam’s nipples looked to be so hard they might push ultimately through her bikini top. I had to stop watching because I was starting to get an erection. I decided to take a dip in the cold lake in hopes my erection would ease. I dashed to the water and dived in, swimming a short distance from the shore.

Five minutes later, I was joined by Merriam. She was using the water as cover to scratch her irritated pussy. I could tell she was really digging at her snatch. I had a smirky grin on my face. Merriam swam over to me and growled, “You no good, worthless bastard!”

“What on earth are you talking about, Merriam?’ I couldn’t hide the delight in my eyes. I felt I had scored a great coup.

“You son of a bitch! I am going to make you regret you ever knew me,” She growled through clenched teeth.

“Too late, Sweetheart, I am already past that point,” I laughed.

“You just wait, asshole. This is going to cost you big time,” My angry mother-in-law threatened.

I noticed she was still vigorously clawing away at her pussy. It had to be on fire and raw by now. I snickered and said, “You seem to have an itch of some kind, Merriam. Would you like me to help you scratch it?”

“Fuck you, asshole,” she snapped!

She was angrier than I could ever remember. She was passionately angry.

“This is one pussy I guarantee you will never touch. Not in a million years. Not ever!”

Merriam swam to shore, and I watched her dash up the hill. I was hoping to see her scratch her pussy again, but she disappeared into the lake house. I was delighted this little trick had gone so well. I was happy and, at the same time, had an ominous feeling I was going to live to regret it as Merriam had threatened. I honestly wasn’t looking forward to her retaliation this time. Merriam has a very creative mind, and I am a bit anxious about what she might choose as retaliation.

Over the next few months, Merriam and I kept our contacts to a minimum, and when we did meet, it was uneventful. She totally ignored me. She didn’t even have an abusive slur or anything. It was as if I didn’t exist. Halloween night, Karen took our children over to Merriam’s to “Trick or Treat” in her neighborhood, and I stayed home to watch a stupid Halloween movie. I didn’t get to see much of the film because I was busy answering the door to little “Trick or Treaters.” I didn’t care because the movie was more comical than scary.

Thanksgiving Day, we were invited to Charlie’s and Merriam’s home for a delicious meal. Merriam had gone all out, preparing a turkey with all the trimmings. My mother-in-law spoke only a few words with me, and when she did speak, they were polite words. I kept waiting for her usual sarcasm, but they never came. I was beginning to think I had unknowingly stumbled into the shadows of “The Twilight Zone.” I was sure she had her payback ready to spring on me. The conversation around the dinner table was pleasant and eerie as far as I was concerned.

Merriam served coffee as she and Karen cleared dishes from the table. Charlie and I chatted as Merriam served the dessert. It was my all-time favorite chocolate cake smothered in a creamy chocolate sauce. Merriam served everyone but me and then sat down to enjoy her dessert. I thought, okay here it is, payback will be me not getting dessert. How juvenile is that on her part? However, before Merriam ever took a bite of her dessert, she looked over at me and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, Sean, I thought Karen had gotten your desert. Wait just a minute while I get yours.”

When Merriam returned, she placed my dessert in front of me and smiled, “I know how much you enjoy my chocolate desserts. I made this especially for you.”

That was my cue, she’s done something to my dessert, and I was not going to let her get away with it. I should’ve guessed that tonight would be the time she’d seek her revenge. She had gathered a great audience to watch me get my payback. I turned the tables on Merriam and shoved my dessert toward her.

“You don’t want your dessert, Sean,” she grinned?

“I know what you’ve done, Merriam,” I laughed. “Just how stupid do you think I am?”

“Whatever do you mean, Sean,” she huffed? “Surely you don’t think I’ve done something to your dessert, do you?”

I crossed my arms across my chest and shook my head yes.

“I did no such thing, and I can prove it,” she bellowed. “Would you like for me to take a bite of your dessert?”

I shoved the dessert closer to Merriam and said, “No! I want you to trade desserts with me,” I smirked. I wasn’t going to let this bitch make a fool out of me.

Merriam sat red-faced for a minute and then pushed her dessert to me then pulled my dessert in front of her. I waited to see if she would indeed eat it to make me look bad. Everyone held their breath and watched as Merriam took a bite and said, “Mmnnnn… delicious as usual.”

I felt like an idiot but started shoveling the dessert in my mouth. Merriam was correct. The dessert was as delicious as always. Merriam didn’t say a word to me for the rest of the evening. On my way home, I kept wondering if Merriam’s payback was making a fool of me in front of my family? At about three o’clock in the morning, I woke up with stomach cramps and realized the payback was happening right then. I rushed to the toilet and shit like an elephant. I was in and out of the bathroom several times before morning. Merriam somehow knew I would insist on swapping desserts, and she played me just like a fine violin. “Touché!”

Christmas would be our next big family get together. Slowly but surely, an infectious thought crept into my mind and refused to leave. It was a way that I could solve all my problems at once. I could teach her I was through taking her abuse, and at the time, help me become a stronger man in the eyes of my wife. It was also an idea that was bringing out the devil in me. I was her son-in-law, but she treated me with disgust. I was a talented young man and a good husband to her daughter. She had been hostile toward me from the start. But around her friends, she had a great personality along with many other attractive qualities.

As a plan formulated in my head, I could feel my excitement grow. It was making my cock twitch to think about the effect it would surely have on my mother-in-law. I knew I had to be just as deceptive and devious as Merriam had been with the chocolate dessert to insure; she falls into my trap. Every year at Christmas Eve and New Year Eve, we made a toast with eggnog. I started collecting my sperm in a jar and touting my special homemade eggnog. I think you get the picture of what I had in mind. I told everyone my eggnog was an old family recipe passed down through the ages from my Great, Great Grandmother.

By the time Christmas Eve rolled around, I had collected a fruit jar full of my sperm and kept it hidden it away in the freezer in my garage. I went to the grocery store that afternoon and bought two pints of their regular eggnog. And poured them into a half-gallon plastic jug that had previously held milk. I thawed four ounces of my sperm and put it in a four-ounce bottle I bought at Target.

Karen and I had volunteered to host Christmas Eve dinner at our house so we wouldn’t have to take the children out on Christmas Eve. An excellent dinner was prepared by Karen. It was delicious. We enjoyed pleasant conversation during the meal and then gathered around the Christmas Tree for our annual toast. I poured everyone a mug of eggnog. Even the children because there was no alcohol in it. And I served it on a silver tray. The mug that I doctored was placed on the tray right in front of me. I served Merriam last and made sure a mug of eggnog was on her side of the tray when I presented it to her. Merriam first reached for the mug nearest her like she was going to take it, but then smiled at me and reached across the tray for the one in front of me. I almost giggle with excitement, but didn’t.

The toast was made by Charlie, and everyone took a big swallow of my special home-made eggnog. I noticed a sudden shift in cues from Merriam’s body language when she tasted my unique blend. Things were working out better than I had expected. The sternness was gone from Merriam’s face.

Merriam glanced at me with a somewhat surprised smile on her face and sighed, “Mmnnnn… this is really good. Sean.”

I didn’t expect that response from her. I smiled and said, “I’m glad you like it, Merriam. I would be glad to pour you another mug if you like.”

She looked at me with a warm smile I had never received from her in the time I had known her. Merriam returned to letting me be her servant and handed me her mug for a refill. I quickly refilled her mug and returned. I also assured her there was more where that came from. Luckily, four mugs were her limit because I didn’t thaw enough sperm for a fifth mug. I filled everyone’s mug with eggnog to exhaust the supply. That way, I would have an excuse for not giving Merriam more if she demanded it.

About ten minutes before my in-laws left for home, Merriam pulled me aside and said, “That really was good eggnog, Sean. Would you mind giving me the recipe?”

I shook my head no and said, “It an old family recipe that been in my family for generations.”

“Well… aren’t we family now,” she countered?

“I don’t know, are we?

Merriam looked at me like she was getting pissed. I didn’t want to set her off on another cycle of revenge. I wrinkled my nose and said, “Let me think it over, Merriam. I should check with my sisters before I give it to you.”

Merriam smiled and said, “Let me know what your sisters say, but be sure to bring plenty of that eggnog to our New Year’s Eve get together next week. I want to toast in the New Year with your delicious eggnog.”

My mother-in-law was out the door before I was able to reply. Our New Year celebration was scheduled to take place at my in-laws, so I had to keep my secret recipe out of Merriam’s hand for another a week. After our New Year’s Eve celebration, I planned to let my eggnog sham die with the new year.

New Year’s Eve, I showed up at Merriam’s house around seven o’clock with my usual half-gallon jug of the fake special eggnog. I brought enough for her to have her usual four mugs of eggnog and hoped she would be too drunk to tell the difference if she wanted more before midnight. The children were at home with a babysitter.

When I prepared to serve the first round of eggnog, I saw a problem almost immediately. We always drink our eggnog on New Year’s Eve with a shot of bourbon mixed. Merriam usually did the same, but this year she didn’t want to risk ruining the flavor of my unique blend recipe by adding bourbon to her mug. That took care of my hopes of her getting too drunk not to recognize a difference if she exceeds her usual four mugs. I decided I would have to find a way to improvise if that happened.

My in-laws and I grazed the buffet table nibbling on hors d’oeuvres, finger sandwiches, slices of fresh fruit, and raw vegetables while watching people on TV welcome in the New Year across the nation. We drank a toast starting with Time Square in New York and then another toast when Chicago rang in the New Year. Just before the celebration reached our time zone, Merriam was demanding I get her another eggnog. She had already exceeded her four mugs. I was near panic when I took her mug and rushed down the hall to the bathroom. I dropped my trousers and began pumping my cock like a madman.

I was so thrilled that Merriam would be drinking my fresh cum, I shot a double load into her mug. It was way more than I needed. I had to decide whether to pour some out or save the excess for another mug if she requires it. I poured off some of the excess out and returned to the kitchen to add the eggnog to her mug. I think I gave her a bit more cum than usual for this drink. I pour the rest of the eggnog down the drain so I wouldn’t have any more If she asks for it.

I made it back to the TV room in time for Merriam to participate in the toast ringing in the New Year in our time zone. At the stroke of midnight, I pulled Karen into my arms and kissed her passionately. Charlie was mixing another bourbon and coke when Merriam gulped down the last of her eggnog and planted a big kiss with lots of tongue on Charlie’s lips. I noticed a strange expression cross Charlie’s face when Merriam shoved her tongue in his mouth. Charlie cut his eyes at me and then back to Merriam. I think he may have detected what the secret eggnog ingredient was that Merriam had been raving about. If Charlie did, he never said anything to me about it. And since I never got a complaint from Merriam, he probably didn’t share his suspicions with her.

The new year started with lots of new year resolutions as most of the previous years. Everyone pledged to cut back on sweets, increase exercise, and break annoying habits. Of course, no one really intended to live up to any of those resolutions. Merriam continued to press me for the recipe of my home-made eggnog. When I continued to refuse her requests, she went back to verbally abusing me every chance she got. I just ignored her.


Friday, my favorite day of the week, not counting the weekend. My wife is at work, and my children are at school. I have the whole house to myself. I enjoy the quiet solitude. It is the only day of the week; I am not out working with one of my sales reps. I can work at my own pace today. I took a long leisurely shower and then slipped on an old pair of gym shorts, without underwear. For a minute, I considered no tee-shirt but decided if I got that relaxed, I would never get any work done. When my balls and cock are swinging freely in my shorts, as they are now, I usually get aroused. The no underwear already had me thinking about watching thirty or forty minutes of porn before starting to do my paperwork. I looked at the stack of paperwork on my desk, awaiting my attention, and make an executive decision.

Okay… it was settled. I’ll go down to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and then back to my office for a little porn. I usually do better work after some hot erotic porn and a mind-blowing orgasm. When I walked into the kitchen, I find my asshole mother-in-law drinking a cup of coffee and reading my fucking newspaper.

“What the hell are you doing here,” she sneered?

“In case you have forgotten, Merriam, I live here,” I sneered right back.

“I thought you would be at work!”

“I am at work,” I groused! “I work at home on Fridays. Now tell me why the hell you are here?”

“I told Karen I would hang new drapes in the guest bedroom.”

“So, go hang your drapes and stay the hell out of my way,” I growled as I poured my coffee.

“Now that you are down here, how about getting your useless ass out to my car and carry the drapes up to the guest bedroom,” she ordered.

I wanted to smack the bitch in the face, but I figured the faster I got her to work on the drapes, the quicker she’d be out of my hair. I trudged out to her car and hauled the curtains up to the guest bedroom. When I came back down to get my coffee, she had tidied up the kitchen by loading everything into the dishwasher, including my cup of coffee. I grumbled to myself and poured another cup of coffee.

“Oh… while I’m thinking about it, I will need the tall step ladder,” she boldly commanded again.

“It’s in the fucking garage,” I bellowed.

“You know damn well, it’s too large and heavy for me to carry up the stairs without destroying the walls!”

I set my cup of coffee on the table and shouted, “Okay… okay, I will get the damn ladder, but you better leave me the fuck alone after that, and don’t you dare touch my coffee!

As I carried the ladder up the stairs behind her, I could see her panty line through her khaki shorts hugging her heart-shaped hips that swayed elegantly with every step she took. I could see she was wearing a bra, but still, her breasts jiggled under her white Ralph Lauren polo shirt. My damn dick started to harden. I blushed, thinking of my mother-in-law that way and averted my eyes. Since we first met all those years ago, she had maintained her elegant figure and was still a striking woman.

“Fuck,” I mumbled to myself!

A large part of me still hated her… No, I wanted to hate her, but the majority of me wanted to fuck her goddamn brains out right then and there on the stairs. I knew all these years of hating her were actually wrapped up in my sexual lust for this hateful but beautiful woman. I set the ladder up to where she told me and warned her to be careful wearing her sandals. Rubber sole sneakers would have been much safer climbing the ladder. She ignored my advice and dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

I returned to my office and began sifting through the paperwork. I wasn’t going to chance surfing my porn site until after my asshole mother-in-law finished her work and cleared out of my house. I busied myself for the next thirty minutes, and then I heard a loud crash followed by sobbing. I chuckled to myself, “The old bitch didn’t follow my advice, and now she is paying the price.”

I slowly strolled into the guest room to gloat and tell her, “I told you so!”

When I saw Merriam sprawled on her back with her right leg twisted under her, I knew she had really injured herself, and I didn’t have the heart to rejoice. I tried to help her onto the bed, but she slapped my hands away and screamed, “Don’t touch me!”

She tried several times to get up, but it was apparently too painful for her to move, and tears were beginning to flood her eyes. It saddened me to see the pain in her beautiful blue eyes, but at the same time, I was thinking it was karma, payback for her hatefulness toward me.

Merriam glared up at me and sniffled, “Don’t just stand there like a stupid oaf. Help me get on the bed!”

I slipped my right arm around her waist and my left arm under her thighs and gently hoisted her up into my arms. Merriam’s perfume was intoxicating and caused me to get an immediate erection. The sweet fragrance from her silky blond hair wafted into my nostrils as she rested her head on my chest, making things even worse. I had to put her down before she felt my hard cock against her hip. I apparently set her down with a bounce.


“I’m… sorry, Merriam. I didn’t do that on purpose,” I apologized. “Should I call an ambulance and have them take you to the hospital for a checkup?”

She shook her head no and closed her eyes. It was apparent she was in pain, but I didn’t have any idea what to do for her. I offered to call Karen and have her come home, but Merriam didn’t want to bother her. She seemed to grimace each time she took a deep breath.

“You don’t suppose you have a broken rib, do you,” I suggested?

Merriam shook her, heard no, and moaned, “I don’t know if it is a broken rib or just cracked. I’m not sure, but I do know for sure I need to get this damn bra off.”

I’m sure I must have looked like a deer in the headlights because Merriam sneered, “Don’t stand there looking stupid. I’m sure you have taken a bra off a time or two in your younger years. Just reach behind me and unsnap it and will do the rest.

My hands went immediately up under the back of her shirt, and with the deftness of long years of practice, I unsnapped her bra. She did that thing every female must learn at a young age. She wiggled out of her bra without removing her shirt. However, I got a pretty good glimpse of her tits when she tossed the bra at me and laid on her back. I caught the bra with my left hand. It was an expensive silk nylon bra, sky blue with fancy white lace borders. I wanted to hold it to my nose and breath in her scent, but I didn’t.

Merriam’s tits were this side of magnificent, bigger than Karen’s nice rack, and her nipples seemed larger, too. Merriam took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and exhaled slowly.

“That’s much better,” she sighed.

I stood at the foot of the bed, like an oversexed teenager, gawking at her nipples. Hard nipples that were threatening to rip through her shirt. When she opened her eyes, she caught me staring at her tits she bellowed, “Go get me an Advil, no make that two Advil…. Dickhead!”

I rushed to the medicine cabinet, grabbed the Advil, and a glass of water, and then like a little boy minding his mother, I returned to her side. I was in a kind of trance.

“Are you going to hand me two Advil or stand there like an idiot,” she snapped?

And then again like a little boy, I jumped at her command and shook two Advil tablets into the Advil bottle cap. She held her hand out like some kind of royal waiting for me to place the pills in her hand. I did, and before I could put the cap back on the bottle and hand her the glass of water, she snapped her fingers and growled, “Water!”

I obediently handed her the water. I wanted to slap the shit out of her. For a brief moment, I was tempted to grabbed one of her nipples and twist it until she had tears in her eyes. But I didn’t. She swallowed the Advil and held the glass out for me to take. I placed the Advil and water on the nightstand and quietly returned to my office. Thirty minutes later, I returned to check on her. She was peaceably sleeping. I removed her sandals and, for the first time, noticed how sexy her long slender feet were. Her toenails were painted silver. For some reason, I found that very hot. I couldn’t help it, I had to touch her feet. The soles of her feet were velvety soft and felt like fine silk. I started to get an erection and returned to my office.

About twenty minutes later, I heard Merriam screaming for me to get my worthless ass back in there. I jumped up and rushed to her side.

“My left hip is killing me,” she moaned. “See if you can find what is causing so much pain.”

I marched to the edge of her bed and noticed a bloody spot on the left side of her shorts. I told her we needed to remove her shorts to determine where the blood was coming from. She looked at me suspiciously for a minute and then nodded her approval. I took a deep breath then nervously unbuttoned her shorts and unzipped them, exposing her panties. They were the same sky-blue silk nylon as her bra. They even had identical white lace and were sheer enough. I could see she was a real blond. I tugged at her shorts, and she lifted her butt to assist but held tight to her panties to make sure they did not come off with her shorts. I leaned down to see if I could find the source of the bleeding.

“I can’t tell where the blood is coming from,” I said as I attempted to slide her panties down. She held her panties in a death grip and refused to let me get to the source of her injury. I turned and left the room. When I returned, I had a pair of scissors in my hand. I had seen on TV how Emergency Room personnel cut an injured party’s clothes off. I intended to do just that.

“What the hell do you intend to do with those scissors,” she screamed.

“What do you think,” I grinned. Then snip, snip, and Merriam’s panty fell away from her left hip. I put the scissors down and leaned forward to examine where the bleeding was coming from.

Whack! She slapped me across the face. I was momentarily dazed. I was enraged. I lost all sensibility. I could feel the heat rise from my shoulders, up to my neck to my face. I turned into a crazy man and ripped the remanence of her panties off and tossed them aside.

Merriam gasped when I shoved my middle finger and forefinger into her wet pussy. Yes, it was wet. In fact, it was soaked. As much as she had tried to convince me that she hated my guts, she couldn’t deny that her pussy was clenching and aching with desire. This had become a sexual act, and I was sure she was feeling the same thing. While vigorously finger fucking her pussy, my fingers were doing precisely what I had wanted to do for years.

She grasped my hand and tried to push it away as I enthusiastically shoved my fingers in and out of her pussy. I wanted to punish this woman. I wanted to get even for every abusive thing she had ever said or done to me. I felt her stiffen and was sure she was on the verge of an orgasm, but I didn’t want her to orgasm. Not yet, anyway. I tried to deny that pleasure. I want her to suffer from that unmet desire to cum. I pulled my fingers from her pussy and removed my gym shorts and threw them in her face. She left them there for a minute. I think she was enjoying my scent on those gym shorts. A minute later, she tossed my shorts back at me.

Was I about to rape my mother-in-law? No. I just wanted to unleash the pent-up anger I’ve had for this woman since the day I married her beautiful daughter. I push her polo shirt up high enough; it trapped her arms over her head and covered her face. I took that opportunity to suck on her beautiful swollen nipples.

She seemed to have an unusual nipple sensitivity. I wondered if she was sensitive enough to have breast orgasms. I continued sucking and fondling Merriam’s sweet mature breasts, alternately sucking one nipple, then the other. Merriam’s hard nipples felt swollen and even more sensitive as I continued to suck on them. I could tell she loved the feeling because she was soon murmuring her encouragement.

“Oh my, God, you son-of-a-bitch,” she gasped! “Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I’m going to cummmm,” she shrieked!

That answered my question. Merriam can have nipple orgasms. She struggled like she was trying to break free of me. I rose to my knees and removed her shirt, freeing her arms. I was amazed to find Merriam’s body was a mixture of Karen’s and a porn star. I couldn’t help but admire the almost perfect tits that had minimal sag and her flat belly. I asked myself… Should I really be doing this to my mother-in-law?

My dick twitched, yes.

I dove between Merriam’s thighs and latched onto her pussy. I tongue fucked her sweet cavity like I was possessed. She gasped and grabbed my hair, pulling it in several directions. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to push me away or pull me closer to her pussy. I found her clit and whacked it several times with my tongue before clamping my teeth down hard. She screamed, and her whole body began jerking as if she were being hit with jolts of electricity.

“Oh my God, Sean. You are making me cum again,” she squealed and then pushed my mouth away from her sensitive clit.

I hopped to my knees. My cock was drooling with anticipation, and I leaned forward to rub the tip along Merriam’s glistening pussy. At the first contact with her clit, Merriam bit her lip and moaned. I teased her just a bit, sliding the head of my cock just inside her to wet the tip and then moving it up and down along her slick labia. I continued to push my hips forward as I pointed my rigid member to the bottom of her slit, so I could penetrate the narrow hole with ease. When I sank a few inches into her, she squealed again. We both gasped as my full length traveled all the way to her cervix. When it bumped across her cervix, Merriam whimpered, and her eyes closed. An orgasm was lurking nearby.

I thrust my cock all the way into her pussy and felt it close tightly around my cock. She was gasping as though she couldn’t catch her breath. I latched onto one of her hard nipples and began sucking like I was a starving infant. I switched to her other nipple and tried to devour it.

All she said was, “Oh…!”

Merriam’s breathing got heavy as I sucked her nipples, making her wince a bit in pain. I hammered her pussy, bringing her back to the brink of another orgasm. I didn’t want her to experience another orgasm. Anyway, not yet. I wanted her to continue paying for the abuse I suffered for years. I started to ease my cock out, but she wrapped her legs around my waist, forced me back in.

“Oh, my God…I want you inside me.” She whimpered!

That was something I never dreamed I would hear from my hateful mother-in-law. I could tell by Merriam’s expression, she was trying to rationalize what was happening. Still, soon she was arching her back as she moaned to the rhythm of my hips. Merriam could hardly bring herself to look at me as I pounded her pussy. For a brief moment, I almost felt sick and depraved doing this to her, yet it felt so goddamn natural and normal.

Merriam’s vaginal walls squeezed me hard the whole time. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She grimaced from the pain of my roughness. However, I was way too focused on the incredible tightness of her cunt to notice, or even care about her discomfort.

Over and over, I propelled my rock-hard shaft into her soaked pussy, my balls slapping against her firm ass. I remember thinking, Merriam probably didn’t expect to feel such pleasure from sex with her son-in-law. Still, she couldn’t deny the increased moisture that made loud, slopping noises the more I fucked her. Merriam dug her nails into my back subconsciously while I pounded her. Even though she was pretty wet, I could tell it still did hurt her a bit, but I didn’t care!

Merriam grunted and begged after one of my deep thrusts. “Please, slow down a little, Sean, “she whispered in my ear. Her plea went unanswered as I took all my confusion, despair, and annoyance out on her poor sensitive pussy. My cock violently stabbed into her cunt repeatedly until I felt the inevitable orgasm building again in both of us.

I want to keep hammering her, but I had other plans. That didn’t stop her or me from having a powerful orgasm after yanking it out. I took my cock in hand and released the pent-up load all over my mother-in-law’s stomach, tits, and face. Her orgasm followed soon afterward.

Merriam quickly moved down and enveloped my deflating cock with her hot mouth and licked it clean of our combined juices. She then wrapped her slender fingers around my limber cock, using her thumbnail to force more of my baby batter to the tip of my dick and swallowed it.

“Mmmm… eggnog,” she sighed.

“What,” I weakly whimpered?

Merriam used her thumbnail again, forcing more of my love juice out and sucked it into her mouth. She rolled it around on her tongue and then smiled, “Eggnog. The secret blended ingredients you put in my eggnog was your delicious cum. I will never drink eggnog again unless it has this delightful addition.”

I wasn’t sure what to do next. I still couldn’t believe I just had sex with Karen’s mother. I looked at Merriam said, “What the hell am I going to tell Karen?”

Merriam just smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

I can just imagine the look on Karen’s face when I announce, “I-I’m sorry, Karen…? I took advantage of your mother and… fuck her silly all afternoon?”

“Sean!” Merriam sat up to face me. “I’m your mother-in-law.” She grabbed my face with the palms of her soft hands. “You could never take advantage of me. This was bound to happen sooner or later.”

She kissed me tenderly on the lips and whispered, “Sean, I’m glad it finally happened. Now, let’s get cleaned up.”

I blindly followed my mother-in-law into the master bathroom. Where she adjusted the water temperature and hopped into the shower. I obediently stepped into the shower behind her. She acted like this was the most normal thing in the world. My eyes drifted down to her pear-shaped ass once she started scrubbing herself. I still couldn’t believe I had been fucking her a few minutes ago.

Merriam turned and handed me the soap and, in a firm voice, said, “Soap my tits really well, Sean, and then I want my pussy and asshole soaped as well!”

It appeared Merriam was still going to order me around, but I didn’t care as long as she continues to share her fantastic body with me. It was probably better if she did continue because if we suddenly became lovey-dovey with each other, people would soon become suspicious.

I soaped her tits and tweaked her nipples before moving down to pay attention to the walls of her velvet pussy. When I began to scrub her anal opening, she leaned forward and spread her cheeks. I soaped her ass really good and started finger fucking her ass. I swear I think she had an orgasm while I finger her butt. My erection rejuvenated as I thought about her warm, tightness.

Merriam noticed my staring at her butt when she turned to the side. “What’s wrong, Sean?”

“Oh, uh, it’s nothing…” I tried to hide my growing cock, but the thought the hell with it. I soaped my cock and pressed the tip to her anal opening.

Merriam pulled away and said, “No… no, Sean. We will save that for another day. Okay, Sweetie?”

I dejectedly dropped my head and started to move away. However, Merriam chuckled. And with a single hand reached between her legs and spread one side of her pink cunt open, “It looks like you have a little more anger to expend,” She smiled warmly over her shoulder at me. “Why don’t you cum for me again, Sean? Come for me and make me cum again.”

Moving like a zoned-out sleepwalker, I did as she asked. No, I did as she ordered. I don’t know why but I wanted to please this woman. This woman that an hour ago was someone I thought I hated.

After we had sex for the second time that afternoon, we finished showering and returned to the bedroom. Merriam gave me one more passionate kiss with lots of tongue. I snuggled in Merriam’s warm arms, feeling her glorious naked breasts pressing against my hairy chest. She pulled back and looked me deeply in the eyes. Our lips were still wet with saliva, and our minds were still in a sensual daze.

Merriam stroked her finger through my wet hair and whispered softly, “You know, Sean, the two of us having sex might’ve actually been a good thing.”

I was exhausted from the unbelievable events of that afternoon. Nothing Merriam said, penetrated my exhausted brain. The thrill of sexually experiencing a mature, eager, and beautiful woman hit me all at once, and I let every luscious detail fill my senses. The ten-year emotional war of harassment was gone, and powerful sexual energy flowed between us. I fell asleep in her warm and wonderful arms without commenting.