Mean Sheets

Hold me down and do me bitch
I ain’t afraid of you
Give me the tongue lashing I deserve
Hump my juice covered face
Got a monkey on my back, fur shure
Papa knows I’m her pet
She takes what she wants.
Oh yeah, baby,Take more than you need
No shy bunny she
My Boi has a fist on her and ain’t afraid to use it
Wham, bam, begging works,
I’ll beg for the peg, if I hafta
Got bite marks on my tits like campaign battle badges
This one: bed brawl just yesterday
Oh my lawdz, that one’s from brutal hand to hand
Damn near had ya; till I came
Mandyke ownz her Judy
I’m her blazing slut, even when I’m too blonde
So pound that pussy
Teach my cunt a lesson it’ll never forget

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anonymous readerReport

2012-09-09 00:44:40
I always waentd to have a boy first. I am one of 5 girls in my family, and I easily get tired of girl drama. Now that I have a son, I’m starting to have dreams of having a girl next. I always tell my husband that he is lucky we don’t have a daughter yet because I would spend way too much money on cute dresses. There needs to be more options for boy clothing.Overall I am on team green. I would love both a boy and a girl to complete our little family.

Anonymous readerReport

2009-08-05 15:34:23
that sucked