Married Life 06

A story of Lust & romance

It took us three days to recover from our weekend of debauchery at Sally & Peter’s home , Jan appeared to have struggled with the events & actions of the Saturday night party asking me if I still loved her after all the things she had done. But by Thursday we had discussed every detail and I had convinced her that I had been equally involved in all the actions and had thoroughly enjoyed myself. I loved her more for joining me and sharing the event. That night we made love for the first time since the weekend and my wife slept peacefully in my arms. Saturday morning came and as Jan began the house work I asked if she would like to do anything special on the weekend, she said no there was too much work to be done at home so as she went about her vacuuming, I proceeded out doors to mow the lawns & wash the cars.

By late afternoon I had just finished polishing our sports car, when Jan came out with a nice cold beer for me & a glass of white wine for herself suggesting that we have a simple dinner & an early night as she was very tired from all the house work. After dinner we showered to wash away the days grime & retired by 9.30 pm, Sunday morning came early with the sun blasting through the curtains at 6.30am, I asked Jan if she would like to go out for breakfast, suggesting we could take the sports car out for a run to McLaren vale and visit some wineries. Whilst Jan was showering & making her self pretty, I packed an Esky and a bag with some towels our bathers and the camera quickly putting these in the boot without advising Jan.

As it was to be in the low thirty’s Jan dressed in tight shorts, simple Tee shirt & thongs, I threw on three quarter shorts and open neck shirt, we fired up the car and headed south arriving in McLaren Vale around 9am. After enjoying a hearty breakfast we headed off to the wineries for a little sampling or should I say a lot of sampling for Jan & a little for myself being the designated driver for the day. We did however manage to purchase a couple of fine reds & white to enjoy later and placed a bottle of white on ice in the boot, it was then Jan noticed for the first time that I had packed the Esky & bag, I suggested that perhaps we had had enough of the wineries & could head across to the coast for a swim as it was beginning to get extremely hot in the sun. Jan said yes it was a good idea but too stop off some were so she could put her bathers on, passing a nearby park I noticed a toilet block and suggested we could go in there and change. Jan agreed so a quick U-turn was made and we pulled up just ahead another convertible with two young girls in it whom where also heading for the toilets.

When I opened the boot & bag to retrieve our bathers Jan noticed the camera asking what that was for, I said we might see something interesting like her in her new bikini. I was surprised when Jan came strolling back to the car carrying her shorts & T-shirt wearing only her thongs and red Bikini, Jan asked if I could pour her another glass of wine to have on the way to the beach & whilst I was concerned that she might spill it I opened the boot & poured the wine as she seemed to have a nice agreeable buzz going which I thought might be useful if I wanted to take pictures of her at the beach. As I drove on to the coast Jan appeared to be flirting with other drivers as we passed them on the road, her new Bikini was extremely revealing & I noticed that her legs would spread wide each time we passed another vehicle, when we came upon a slow moving truck I changed down a gear to over take and as we pulled alongside the drivers door Jan’s legs once again slowly spread and when she had the drivers attention I upshifted allowing my hand to slip off the gear shift and slide on up her leg coming to rest on her pussy where it lingered for awhile before sliding off exposing a wet patch. Jan was clearly turned on so I drove past the first beach exit and made a bee line for Maslin beach pulling up in the car park before she realised where exactly we were.

I was met by some reluctance to alight the car but I said she could leave her bathers on, grabbing the Esky and bag before turning and walking in the direction of the beach, Jan soon caught up to me and as we walked along the sand towards a group of nude swimmers she soon changed the subject and started to moan about how hot it was, all the time keeping her eyes focused on the people frolicking in the water’s edge. Before reaching the other people I took out my camera & started taking pictures of Jan, stoping every now and again to have her pose for a few shots. When we were about 10mts from the group I stopped as Jan continued to walk on whilst I photographed her from behind, I called out to her to turn around as she neared the others and took some more shots before asking her to walk towards me for some more pictures. We then continued on our way saying hello to the group as we walked on, I noticed a couple of the guys taking a good look at Jan, whilst I was busy checking out the three blonde bombshells they were with.

We found a spot about 50 metres on and set our gear down, Jan ran off into the water whilst I decided to take my bathers off before entering, we swam and played together for quite a while whilst we cooled off. At one point I grabbed Jan and we kissed for a long time before she ran out of the water and spread her towel on the sand poured another wine and lay down to sunbake.

Meanwhile I noticed that the guys from group we had passed earlier were walking past and all three turned their heads towards Jan having a good look before one turned and looked my way with a big smile on his face. Five minutes later the guys came back still ogling Jan, as they approached I introduced myself and asked Simon, Steve and Shane if they would mind taking some pictures of Jan & I together, Steve said that Shane was an avid photographer so he would take the best shots. Shane agreed and after handing him our camera he started to take a few photo’s of Jan laying on her towel in her Bikini, at one time he stood spread eagle over Jan to look directly into her face, then stepping back slightly he lowered himself to a kneeling position just above her crotch focusing on her boobs & face, a slight gasp emanating from Jan’s mouth. Shane then had me kiss my wife passionately while he took several more shots. I then asked him if he would photo us in the water and Jan & I ran out into the sea for more embracing, splashing fun shots. I asked Jan if she would take off her bikini for some nude photo’s with me to which she replied, you’ll have to catch me first! As Jan ran around in the water with me in hot pursuit, Shane was busy taking photo’s, Steve & Simon were standing at waters edge laughing their heads off, Jan tripped into the water & I helped her up removing her Bikini top at the same time, before she quickly ran off again, her delightful boobs bouncing up and down in full view of the boys. I wanted photos of us both nude so I called for Simon & Steve to help me catch her, “that’s not fair proclaimed Jan” to no avail as the boys jumped further out into the water, we soon had her trapped in a circle which we closed in until she was within arms reach of us all. Then I made a grab for her bottoms sliding the bikini bottoms off her perfect arse, I deliberately tripped her so she would fall into the water as I slide the panties off her legs. Simon bent down to help Jan up, she pulled him off balance until he fell on top of her, she quickly kissed him full on the lips whilst reaching for his now very hard cock, Steve looked my way with bewilderment on his face, I said it’s ok boys just get the photo’s for me please Shane. I asked Steve to help me pick Jan up & drape her legs over Simon’s shoulders allowing him full access to her pussy with his tongue & fingers. As soon as we picked her up & positioned her, Simon dove onto her pussy licking gently at first from the very bottom of her arse up the crack of her slit and darting his tongue to rub & probe at Jan’s clit sending deep shocks of pleasure into the very depths of her pussy as Simon attacked Jan more vigorously with his fingers deep into her cunt & his tongue working overtime on her clit, we slowly lowered her down the front of Simon until she was hanging upside down by her legs, I suggested to Steve that he move around in front and face fuck Jan whilst helping to support her weight by holding onto her arms. Shane was moving around the trio high & low close up & from a distance, I couldn’t possibly imagined all the different angle to take this many photo’s from, he was a real pro & I couldn’t wait to see his photo’s. Mean while the girls had wandered unnoticed up the beach to see why the guys had not returned and started cheering out loud just as Steve shot huge load of cum all over Jan’s face & tits, on seeing the cum shoot out from Steve’s cock, Petra came running up to Jan yelling “don’t waste it” dropping to her knees a licking Jan’s face and boobs finally suckling on the boobs for quite some time arousing Jan even further to the point that she started yelling “fuck me somebody fuck me”. Shane quickly turned to his girl Laura “also an avid photographer” to take over, passing her the camera and running off towards the beach towels, Steve helped Simon lower Jan into the water to rinse off her face & tits before picking her up again & lowering her pussy down on to his very stiff cock whereby he proceeded to slowly fuck her much to Jan’s delight. By now Shane had returned holding a bottle of sun lotion whereby he started to lube up Jan’s arse hole inserting first one then two fingers, slowly opening her up. And finally applying a liberal amount to his cock. Sandwich called Simon stopping the fucking to allow Shane to slowly mount Jan’s back door before proceeding the assault on her cunt in unison to Shanes attack on her ass. Jan was in heaven enjoying all the attention & sensations coming from her cunt & ass, Laura was happy snapping away at all the action and Cindy & Petra had dropped to their knees in front of me a made themselves busy sucking my very hard cock. Jan’s orgasms seemed to be never ending until Simon’s legs finally gave way bringing all three crashing down in the water colliding with Cindy who by now had her fingers stuffed into her pussy whilst she was sucking my cock. Every body burst out laughing, Laura almost dropped my camera and quickly suggested we get out of the water before we had an accident, the boys help gather our things and we moved back down the beach to where their towels where, we did not have enough glasses for every one so the boys necked the bottle passing it around whilst the girls shared the two glasses that we had brought Laura finally suggested that every one return to her house and we could down load the camera to a usb stick & insert it to her TV and review the photo’s all together, I thought it a good idea & offered to pick up some more grog on the way.

Laura handed her apartment key to Jan suggesting that she should travel with the others whilst she would go with me to show the way and pick up the drinks. Calling to her friends Laura reminded them that her place was a clothes free zone so every one was expected to be nude by the time we got there.

We gathered their things & strolled back to the now deserted car park, Jan jumped in the front of Simon’s van and Steve, Petra & Shane in the back, we waved good bye and watched them drive off before Laura pounced on me. Her tongue snaking its way into my mouth whilst her hands eased my speedo’s down off my butt before grabbing my cock, gently stroking as he quickly rose to the occasion. I lay back against the bonnet of the car to support my weight as Laura slowly sank down the length of my body placing her face right into my crotch. Snaking her tongue around my ball sack I could feel the warmth of her breath on my bum hole before she slid her tongue to the top of my cock, opening her mouth and sliding my cock into her damp mouth working vigorously until I exploded into her mouth. We were interrupted by the arrival of a garbage truck so we decided to move on to a liquor shop and then to Laura’s house.