bus loaded with catholic school girls crashes and everyone on board perishes.They all arrive at Heavens Gate aAwaiting their approval to enter.The teenage girls lined up single file with Alice being first in line was asked this question,have you had any experience with a PENIS,to which Alice answered see had seen one a few days ago.ST.Peter responed by telling her to wash out her eyes from the fountain of holy water and procede through the gate.The next teen being asked answered by telling ST.Peter that she had touched one and she was told to wash her hands in the fountain and procede through the gate.As the third girl reached ST.Peter there was noise and commotion coming from the back of the line and suddenly sarah pushed her way to the front.She was asked what was the problem and why she couldn’t wait her turn and she said that if he was going to make her rinse her mouth with the water she wanted to go before Angie washed her ass in it

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anonymous readerReport

2012-04-10 03:42:02
If there is a female reader,can meet to hav sexx

anonymous readerReport

2012-02-07 18:18:01
11.04.10 at 5:16 pmEnrico PallazzoAsslover32, when all else fails, just tell eyervone that your buddy’s dad is gay. I have proof!

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-02 17:48:04
Yo mama so fat wen u walk around her u get lost!

anonymous readerReport

2011-12-29 10:37:29
those “yo moma” jokes sucks ass and hairy balls!

anonymous readerReport

2011-11-15 12:47:06
the most retarded momma jokes iver ever hear tell me did u sit up all night thinking those up by yourself?