Dessert for Two

The initial draft of this was written years ago and was hanging out in my unfinished works folder. I hope you all enjoy this. As usual, constructive comments are welcomed. Special shout out to NCFan for the title suggestion on this.

“May I get you a beverage?” asked the flight attendant.

“A glass of red wine please” answered Taryn as she settled into seat 2A. It was nice being upgraded to First. It had been 9 months since she last traveled professionally, and that last flight was hell. Coming home quickly after she had gotten the call that her husband and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver.

“Thank you,” she said as she took the glass of wine offered to her. She looked around a bit and noticed the gentleman in the seat across the aisle checking her out. At least on the regional jet, there was just one seat on her side, so she would not have to talk to others. But noticing his eyes checking her out made her miss her husband and the times they had together. She missed his strong hand rubbing all over her body. She knew she was attractive to most men. Her 5’ 4” frame held her lean 115 pounds which just accented off her 36C breasts. That generally got the first looks, but then the freckles and dimples and to go with her strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes were the killer touch. She smiled politely to the gentleman and then buried her head into her Kindle and read for the rest of the flight.

It was an uneventful flight and trip to the hotel. She checked in and after unpacking a bit, decided to get her swimsuit on and go to the hot tub to relax after all the travel. It was a modest one-piece, in black and white. A pair of soccer shorts and a tee shirt when on over to walk down the hall to the pool room. She was pleased to see that she had the pool to herself. As she slid in, she thought of the times she made love to her husband in their old hot tub. She missed the old house they had. She had sold it a couple of months after the accident. Too many memories. The condo she lived in now had a common pool and tub, but she had never used it. The silence was broken shortly by someone else coming into the pool room. It was the same guy from the airplane. Taryn looked up and smiled.

“Is there room for one more?” he asked.

“Sure, the water is warm but not too hot” she replied. He slid in a couple of feet away, close but still a respectful distance.

“Nice way to relax after a flight,” he said. “You were on the flight from Salt Lake City, right?”


“I thought that was you. You travel much?”

“Some, I used to travel a lot, but have had a hiatus for a while. Probably going to be traveling more now though for my new gig.”

“What do you do?”

“Accountant by background mainly M&A work. I was a consultant for one of the big accounting firms until a few months ago and now starting my own independent practice. Going to my first client tomorrow. You?

“Software consulting, on the road a couple of weeks a month.”

She felt his eyes checking her out. Unconsciously she arched her back just a little bit to stick her breasts out. He was probably in his early 40s, relatively fit, with a small, middle-aged dad belly. Not bad for a road warrior.

“Nice. Yeah, I know the road warrior life as well. Living from a suitcase, dining alone is not fun, but it is a living” said Taryn. “I’m Taryn by the way.”

“Steve,” he said, “Were you based out of?”


“I like Seattle, get up there often since I am in Portland,” said Steve.

After a couple more minutes of idle chit chat, Steve looked into her eyes as he started to get out of the hot tub. “I think I have roasted my self in here enough for a while. I need to grab some dinner; would you like to join me? I saw they have a decent restaurant here at the hotel. It might be nice to have some company for a change.”

“Yeah, that might be nice. Dining alone sucks” she said with a smile. Steve noticed her dimples and grabbed a towel to try and hide the growth that was starting in his shorts. Taryn also go out and stretched her lean frame as she also toweled off. She made sure to bend over a bit to give Steve a good look at her ass as she did so. She could hear a slight moan of enjoyment coming from Steve.

“Meet you at the bar in a little bit?”

“Sounds good,” Taryn said as she wrapped a towel around her and grabbed her street clothes. “See you shortly” She smiled and went to her room. She peeled off her wet swimsuit and hung it shower to drip dry.

She started to pick through her clothes trying to decide what to wear to dinner. She hadn’t planned on meeting anyone or doing anything remotely like this, so she had only brought a couple of basic plain bras and panties. Well, white bra and white cotton panties it is. Thinking casual might be better, a pair of tightish jeans with a white blouse and light grey sweater over on top. A pair of black pumps with a two-inch heel completed the outfit. “I wish I had my fuck-me pumps,” Taryn said to herself. As she did her hair and put a bit of makeup on, she thought to herself “What the fuck are you doing, meeting a strange guy at the hotel bar for dinner?” She convinced herself that she was not committing to anything and that there were going to be other people around so nothing could happen there.

She grabbed her purse and started walking down the hall to the elevator. Seeing the vending machines, she paused and went into the vending room. Pulling out her room key, she swiped and punched C2. A three-pack of condoms came out. “Just in case,” she thought to herself. Too bad there was no lube. She used to be on the pill, but when her supply ran out a few months ago, she just never refilled. At the time, there was no point, no desire to find anyone new.

Making her way into the bar, she saw Steve. He had a table for two and was pretending to look at the menu while scanning the door to see when she came in. He stood up when she came in and waited to sit until she had taken her seat. Maybe old fashion gentlemen still exist, she thought.

“I saw you drinking red wine on the plane, shall I get us a bottle?” Steve asked. “Looks like they have a decent California Malbec here.”

“Sure, always been a Merlot girl, but I think I am up for some new things tonight,” Taryn replied. Steve tried to figure out if that was a subtle hint or if it was just an innocent statement. “So, Steve, you’re in software and travel a lot. What else should I know about you?

Steve shifted in his seat, clearly a bit uncomfortable with the question. “Well, um, not sure how to say this. Been a long time since I have done anything like this. I’ve been married for 18 years, have two kids and a dog. Never in my ten years on the road have I gone to dinner with a lady where it was not business-related. Sorry if I am a bit nervous. When I asked you to dinner, I was just thinking about some companionship over a meal. Someone to talk to besides a bartender. I realized after I left the pool you might have the wrong idea of what my motivation was.”

The server came by with the wine. Safe for a moment thought Taryn. After placing dinner orders, Steve lifted his glass “to not dining alone” and smiled.

“To not dining alone, I can drink to that.” Steve noticed Taryn take a rather large sip of the wine. “This is good, I should try new things more often.”

“So Taryn, tell me a bit about yourself.”

“Well, I’m single, widowed actually, my husband and daughter were killed 9 months ago by a drunk. I don’t have any hobbies right now, maybe you could say dining alone is my hobby these days.” They both had a chuckle at that.

They continued their conversation mainly swapping stories about stupid client antics and travel woes, it was safer that way they both felt. As the server cleared the dinner plates asked if they would like dessert.

“No thanks, I think I have had enough,” said Taryn. Can we get the check please, separate if possible?” Looking at Steve “I assume you are on an expense report, right?” He nodded yes. “Good, then neither of us has to pay for a lovely dinner” Steve chuckled at that. They got up from the table after paying the bill and headed to the elevator.

“Thank you for a lovely dinner, it was nice not to dine alone for once,” Steve said. The doors open and they walked into the elevator. Pressing 3 for his floor, he asked “What floor?”

“Same.” There was an award silence as they rode up. As they got off, Taryn started to rummage through her purse for her room key. “Thanks again for a lovely dinner Steve, have a good night.”

“Yes, thank you, Taryn. Good night to you as well.” With that Steve started to walk to his room. A second later Taryn followed. As Steve started to pull out his room key Taryn got to him and stopped. She put her arm on his.

“Sorry, but I lied to you a moment ago. My room is on a different floor. And I am not done with dinner, I would like some dessert.” With that, she put her arm around his neck and pulled him close. Steve wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with a passion he had not seen in himself in years.

“Would you like to join me for some dessert?”

Taryn answered by walking into his room with him.

After giving Steve a moment to place the do not disturb sign on the hotel room door, Taryn grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch. She snuggled up to him slipping her right arm around the back of his neck and used her left to stroke his chest while teasing his tongue with hers. She pulled her left leg onto his lap and gently used her knee to tease his cock through his trousers. She could hear Steve moaning through their embrace.

Taryn began to undo the buttons of his dress shirt, pulling out from being tucked in his trousers to get the last buttons. Steve freed his arms from her to undo his cuff links. Tayrn helped him slip out of the shirt and practically ripped off his undershirt.

Sliding her body fully onto his lap facing him, Taryn began to use both hands to explore his chest. It had been very muscular at one point, but age had grown a small belly on him. On his left peck was a tattoo of the Liberty Bell and on his right an anchor with a rope around it. Tracing them with her fingers she asked what they represented.

“I got drunk in Japan while in the Navy. My ship, the Independence, was based there. The bell was the ship’s logo, and the anchor is a traditional Navy symbol. I don’t remember getting them, I just woke up with them one morning. Them and a splitting headache…”

“Well, I hope you remember tonight when you wake up in the morning” Taryn was using her best sultry voice she could.

Giving her another kiss, while fondling her breasts, Steve looked into her eyes “I don’t think remembering is going to be a problem tonight.” With that, he lifted her sweater over her head and began to undo the buttons on her blouse. As soon as her girls were free of their outer layers, and only clad in her white padded bra, Steve buried his face between them. These were so much bigger than his wife’s, which at best were a large A cup. Taryn started to reach behind her back to undo her bra, “Leave it on, I love fucking a woman and feeling her bra cups against my chest.”

She did as he wished and then pulled her head back to his and began to nibble his ear and grind her cunt against his cock. Finally, Steve could take it no longer and forcefully rolled her off him, so she was sitting on the couch. He started to undo her jeans while Taryn kicked off her pumps. Lifting her hips, Taryn not only felt her jeans coming off but her knickers as well. She looked at his eyes go wide as he feasted on his first look at her pussy.

“Oh, your pussy is lovely, I have not had trimmed pussy since before my kids were born.” Taryn was happy that she had shaved her mound the day before she left home. She had figured it was just to not have any hair sticking out the side of her swimsuit. She had left a generous landing strip, the width of her mound, but everything else was smooth. Steve quickly got on his knees in front of her and began to inhale her sweet scent.

He began to kiss and caress her inner thighs while his hands explored her body. He could see the moisture dripping from her slit in anticipation of what was to come. Her body was slowly undulating in response to his actions, in particular, when he reached up and pulled down her cups a bit to expose her nipples. Finally, he could wait no longer and buried his face to womanhood. He started by kissing her outer lips then kissing and sucking on her inner lips. She tasted like no other woman he ever experienced. Her constant vocalization and body responses to his actions encouraged him to continue. Taryn was enjoying his efforts. Steve found her clitoral hood and began to gently suck on it. Her clit began to peek out and he circled it with the tip of his tongue. This caused Taryn to buck her hips, her legs shook, and her pussy began to leak. Her hands were rubbing his head, holding it close to keep him going. She got to the point where should take it no longer, let go of his head, and sat up more on the couch to provide a bit of space.

“That was the best oral I ever had from a man. I think I came three times.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for being so responsive. I got to enjoy your enjoyment.”

“How about you getting a little enjoyment? Let’s get those pants off.” Steve stood up and helped Taryn undo his pants and got him naked. Taking her hand, the couple crossed the room and climbed onto the bed. Taryn wrapped her hand around his throbbing member and began to stroke it. It had a good thickness and was about 6 inches long. There was a gentle curve to it, pointing upwards. She leaned over and took the tip in her mouth. Her moan of enjoyment was eclipsed by Steve’s.

“Stop, or I’ll cum too soon.” Steve groaned.

Taryn sat up, “Hang on a moment” and got up and opened her purse. She took out the condoms, opened one, and sheathed his cock. She positioned herself and sank onto his member. After bouncing on his cock a few times Taryn adjusted her bra cups, so they covered her nipples again and laid her body on top of Steve’s. She didn’t quite understand his fascination with her bra covered tits rubbing against his chest, but it was clear to her that it was of great pleasure to him. She noticed that his thrusting speed increased, and his breathing rate increased. She matched her breathing to his and felt his butt cheeks tighten. She could feel his throbbing as he shot his load.

“Thank you, Taryn, that was fantastic.” She could sense that he thought he was done after one shot. After cleaning up, they cuddled together in bed. She gently let her fingers roam over his body. Nibbling on his ear, Taryn noticed his cock twitch. Sensing there was still life in there, she slipped her lips over his dick. It took some work, but he returned to full mast.

Steve had Taryn lie down on her stomach and pushed his sheathed cock into her from behind. Now fully inside her, he undid her bra and pressed his chest against her back.

“Oh Steve, dooon’t stop, mmmmm, you’re hitting the right spoooooooooot. YES, oh fuck me FUCK FUCK FUCK.” Steve could feel her whole-body shudder underneath him. This only revved his motor more and he continued to pound away. Sensing he was getting close he pulled out, yanked the cover off, and shot his load over her ass. Utterly spent, he collapsed in the bed next to Taryn. She retrieved a couple of towels from the bathroom and tossing one to Steve, used the other to wipe the cum off her ass, back and legs. Looking around the room she spied her panties that had been tossed aside earlier and slipped them back on. Then found Steve’s undershirt, put that on, and cuddled up to him in bed.

That night Steve had the best dream of his life, ending with a hot blond sucking his cock. As the light of morning started to come through the window, he awoke with a pair of soft lips giving him a blow. Her tongue was dancing around the head of his cock, and her hand rubbing his balls. A finger began to caress his butt hole, and then it slipped inside. His virgin ass began to experience new pleasures as Taryn found his prostrate. Taryn took every drop in her mouth and showed it to Steve before swallowing it down.

“Good morning sexy, I hope you slept well.”

“If I could wake up to that every day, I would be in heaven” Steve replied. “I am going to remember this for a long time.”

Taryn smiled. “Well, I need to get back to my room and get ready for my client meetings. Will I see you at the bar tonight?”

“I think that can be arranged.” They kissed, and Taryn slipped out of the room. She proudly carried her bra and blouse in her hands on the way back, having slipped the bare minimum on to go up a floor to her room. There was a knowing look and smile on the face of the gentleman who was leaving his room across the hall from hers as she went in.

Upon arrival at her client’s office for her first visit on this new project, she was escorted into a conference room to meet the team. There in the second seat sat Steve. They had never talked about who their client was over dinner the previous evening and they are going to be working together on the same project for the next 6 months. Taryn made a mental note to pack some lingerie next time and bring her fuck me pumps as well. Oh, and refill her birth control pre***********ion. She wanted his cock plain and bare next visit.