Cold winter hot woman

It was a cold night and I was leaving work late had been snowing really badly and the buses had stopped running. Working 20 miles from my home is difficult enough but with no car and only a once in a while country bus service when the weather hit that was it. I was stuck!
I sat in the shelter the snow slowly drifting down and piling up around the shelter it was a nice sight in the orange glow of the car park lights. I had a large sweater on as well as a coat and after hearing the weather forecast in the morning waterproof trousers and cotton running bottoms I thought it was a good idea to put them in 2 my bag if it did turn bad I had something 2 keep my legs dry and warm. A better idea would have been to stay at home and I was wishing I had until I herd a shout coming from behind me. I turned but couldn’t see anything though the steamed up glass of the shelter so I sat back down, then again definitely my name I decided to investigate, what the hell looked like I would be stuck here for the night so stepped out side.
A cold wind hit me knocking me slightly off balance. I walked over 2 the voice in the darkness it was a girl I worked with well I say girl she looked about 22 29 so I thought. I found out she was 33 but she certainly had the energy of a younger woman, I had kept my age a secret most people took me for 25 27 so I let them why not gave me a bit more respect. When I got over to her she was sheltering at the corner of the building using it as a windbreak. She shouted what are u doing out here a lot of people are getting ready 2 camp out in the canteen or in store rooms by the heater. “No I wanted to see if a bus would come its only been 10 minuets since the last 1 should have been here I’ve been here 15 so I thought I’d wait there normally late”. “Don’t be stupid they would have stopped hours ago probably stuck you no the hills round here”. I agreed and shrugged I was a bit over optimistic I admitted to myself and replied true.
She then said she was walking to her car see if she could get it started I said ok and moved to walk back to the store. With this she let out a great huff “well and I was told you were a gentleman” I spun back what wait I am as much if not more than any man in this place “not hard” she threw back I chuckled “true”. Why am I not a gentleman then well on a night like this u have all toughs layers on look at me. It was true although a sizeable woman she was warring only her work tee shirt, fleece and cotton trousers I quickly gave her my padded coat and walked her over to her car.
When we got there she shouted for me to get in I did with a crunch as my waterproof trousers hit the seat I remembered they would be wet and quickly lifted my arse off the seat. This looked very odd and Sam immediately asked what the hell I was doing I explained and before I knew it she had hold of them “let me do it” and pulled them down. But she had got hold of all my lower clothing even my boxers before I could say a word she had pulled them down revelling my shrunken member which had retreated due to the cold. She gasped then chuckled and I had thought with your high and shoe size that you’d have a big 1. (I am 6 foot 5 and size 13 UK shoe) I growled and forgot I was now uncovered she started the car and put the heater on “ITS COLD! What do u expect if it were warmer…” she butted in
“what so if it were warmer you’d be bigger?”
“So I guess with the right stimulus, how big can it get?” I don’t know I don’t measure it I snapped angrily. I apologised for shouting and she warmly said that’s alright then suddenly she ducked down I thought she was going to pull my trousers up I went to pull them up but she pushed her hand against my chest pushing me back in the chair.
Then it all changed she took it in her mouth it was like a switch within seconds she gagged as my hardening dick rose in her mouth she jumped back Fucking hell it grew to just under 9 inches and 3 in width what the fuck is that? She looked at me thinking about what she had just said and laughed then apologised sorry you’re not that little after all are you. I smiled see all you need is the right stimulus and a warm place “yea guess so!” I went 2 pull my trousers up again what you doing u don’t think your getting away with just that do you? I’m never beaten, even by you. She went back down and began to suck lightly at first slowly circling the now deep purple head probing the eye hole in the middle lapping up the pre cum slowly emerging. My cock was now the hardest it had ever been and she knew it she looked up reached over and tried to pull my top up I pushed her head back and pulled it off making a pop as it came out of her mouth like a lollypop. She ran her hand over my chest and with that changed her motion she began bobbing up and down franticly then began feeling my balls the sucking down the whole length off the shaft, she was frantic muffled sounds begging me 2 cum pleading to let her have my load. I played along saying no way making her go even wilder when truth was the only thing body wanted 2 do was cum. She gave my dick a soft my sharp bite a cleaver trick the shock made me loose any control my dick swelled in waves stretching her mouth to its limits, I shot load after load and she took it all she seemed 2 just swallow no gulping it just ran strait in.
I pulled my dick back as it slowly shrank but she moved with it licking and sucking every last drop massaging my balls like she was milking it for all its worth.
Then she lifted up and began to kiss my chest up 2 my neck then my ear with this she whispered now its your turn it took me a moment to understand what she then I reached over her and pulled the lowering leaver on her seat lying her flat then pushed the seat back.

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anonymous readerReport

2012-07-06 00:29:58
What a sorry ass story

anonymous readerReport

2012-02-15 23:46:38
Red Oct
Lousy grammer, Lousy spelling, incoherant story, not proof read, and you obviously do not know how to use “Spell Check”


2009-09-07 21:36:50
Lousy Grammar,etc.


2008-04-17 18:54:28
What are you wankers comments about fuck in hell at leased hes got the balls to write a storie don’t like it fuck off.


2007-04-26 23:12:01
you write like a retarded baby