Bless Me

Heavenly father full of grace,
Bless me cause I like the taste,
Bless me cause ill never win, to hell ill go if sex a sin.
Bless the way a body looks, I don’t believe he wrote that book.
Bless the way I feel inside when I see someone I like,
Bless my mind that never stops,
Bless the dirtiness of my thoughts,
Bless the naughty things I say and all the times I wanna play.
Bless the fun I like to have, its just to good to be that bad.
Bless how kinky I was made,
Gods a prude?….there’s no way.
Bless how selfish I can be, the things I do I do for me.
Bless me cause im such a bitch, most men I use just for their dicks.
Bless the ladies that catch my eye, how blessed I feel to spread those thighs.
Bless my boyfriend who is so cute,
Bless the husband that I once knew,
Bless my life just how it is,
Bless each one of my four kids,
Bless yourself, a job well done,
When I was made it had to be fun.

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anonymous readerReport

2013-03-01 06:18:08
Please pray for people to rgcoenise sin. Sin should only be compared to God’s word which is truth and not man’s word which can be lies. Satan is smart and strong at this time in history and is deceiving people with good intentions to do wrong. Lets pray for people to find their way back to Jesus because only through Him e1nd prayer will they come to know what is sin in this modern world.


2011-05-30 10:15:20
thats a really good poem sweetie xx