A Christmas blowjob

Just something that happened to me aroudn christmas some 20 years ago. Enjoy.

A great thing about being 41 is that there is a couple of decades of good stories to tell. Here is one about something that happened to me some 20 years ago, when I was visiting a cousin of mine. It happened around Christmas time. But first, please be aware that I’m not native in English, so there may be some grammatical errors as well as typos in the text.

During the last years of my teenage, and the first years into my 20ies, I usually went away some place abroad during the major holidays. Although I enjoyed celebrations and parties (always have and always will), I was not fond of the idea of having to celebrate something I had not chosen myself (Im more relaxed about it now and quit enjoy Christmas). This year, however, I was doing my national service in the army, and did not have much time or money for a vacation. Thus, I ended up celebrating with my cousin and his wife. A few other relatives were there too.

My cousin is a couple of years older than I am, and he was (and still is) married to a woman (Anna) with whom he yet did not have any children. As far as I can remember, I had never felt any particular attraction for her. She was (and still is) nice, and I enjoyed her company, as you do with friends. She is a few years older than I am, and when I was 19 she was 27. I occasionally spent time with them (all three of us were devoted scuba divers at the time, and often went together), but I cannot remember Anna showing any sexual interest for me at the time.

As I came in late with the train, my cousin picked me up at the station, and when we got back to his place, I went straight to bed. The morning after, my cousin and his wife were having breakfast in their kitchen, and had set the table for me too (the other guests were still sleeping when I got up as far as I can remember). I sad hi to Anna, as I had not seen her the night before, and seated myself opposite to her, with my cousin on my side. I cannot remember what we were talking about, but I had not been at the table for long before I felt Anna’s foot sliding up against my leg toward my dick. I glanced down fast, and there it was, barefooted between my legs, and sort of massaging my growing dick with the toes. I looked at Anna. She was engaged in a discussion with her husband, and not even looking at me. I was amazed by the stunt and did not know how to react, but as I did not want her to stop, I widened my legs a little, and gently and quietly rubbed her leg with my left hand under the table, while using my right hand for the breakfast. After a few minutes she stopped and left the table as all three of us were done eating.

As soon as I had put my plate and cup away, I went looking for her. I found her, and my cousin, in the living room, organizing the Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. At this point I was only thinking about what she and I could do, and where, and how long I would have to wait for it. Hoping that she had not just turned me on for fun, as a joke or something. “There you are”, she said. “Come over here and help me with this stuff”. I sat down on the floor, beside her (and my cousin) and started to help with the presents. It seemed to me as we were just moving them around, but I did not care much what I was doing as long as I could get as close to Anna as possible. When my cousin raised and went out to their car to get another bag of presents, she immediately started to rub and squeeze and stroke my dick (that was now bone hard by now) through my pants. When my cousin got back with a bag full of Christmas presents, I rose from the floor and excused me by saying that I was going to make my bed. I heard Anna saying that she was going to find me a new set of sheets, as the one she had made my bed with the night before was not large enough for the bed. As soon as we got into the room where I was staying, I unbuttoned my pants and pulled out my dick. She pushed me down on the bed without saying anything, and started to jerk and stroke my cock. As I was sitting on the bed, she positioned herself beside me, sitting on her knees, stretched back one of her legs and closed the door (that was beside the bed) with it, and went for my dick with her mouth.

She was wearing a T-shirt and a wide skirt, and she was standing on her knees with her legs somewhat separated. I went for her pussy with my left hand, but to get to it I had to pull down her panties first. Having done that, my hand found her pussy between her legs and I started to work my fingers in small circles over her clit, occasionally slipping one finger in and out of her. She was already soaking wet. She, in turn, was stroking my cock with her right hand, and following the movements with her mouth, in and out. My excitement rose even more with seeing my dick disappearing in her mouth, and coming out of it over and over again. She was breathing heavily and fast. As I went faster on her clit, she started to make small quiet but notable noises with every breath she took. At some point my cousin shouted something like “who is this present for”. Anna lifted her face from my dick and answered, “Ill be with you in a minute, I’m just going to harass your cousin a little bit more”. It did not take long for her to come. For a second she stopped stroking me, her muscles in her belly and her legs stiffened, and she let out a long but very quiet moan, and squeezing my dick really hard as she did. Right after she immediately continued working my dick with her hand and mouth, and I too came shortly after. I was pumping my semen right into her mouth, and she was just swallowing it as it came. I tried to be as quiet as I could, not letting any noises over my lips. But my breath was heavy and every muscle in my body turned hard.

As soon as I was done, Anna got up, pulled her panties up, and fixed her skirt and T-shirt. As she opened the door and walked out of the room, I could hear her ask “what Christmas present are you talking about, honey?”

Anna is still a good friend who I meet often, as almost always together with my cousin. They had a boy and a girl in the years that followed the Christmas blowjob. I do not have sex with Anna every time I meet her. Most of the times we just meet on a friendly basis. But it has happened another two times over the latest 20 years, and the last of them was actually quit recently.